The way of ninja 28, Part 119

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After a brief council, our heroes stood in a circle, each with their own mission to complete. Ragnar and the princess would ride back to the dragon-horse, hoping he could read the runes or at least provide some insight. 

"I'll return to the swamp with my sister Maleficent," Gnash stated confidently. "We'll investigate everything about it." 

Mer-mer and Shadow-cat exchanged glances, both knowing they would continue training with Kira, the Black Panther. 

"Let's meet back at my sister's cabin in one month," Gnash suggested.

 Before anyone could respond, Mer-mer blurted out, "But promise not to make any cat soup!" 

The group laughed and said their goodbyes before heading off on their separate journeys. As Mer-mer and Shadow-cat made their way back to Kira's, they were met with a stern look from their trainer.

 "Where have you two been?" she scolded. 

Shadow-cat sighed and began explaining their recent adventures, including enchanting a dragon-horse into a frog and breaking a sleeping princess' curse. Kira's excitement grew as she heard all the details. 

"And what are your plans now?" she asked.

 "We're meeting in the swamp in a month at the villain's hut," Mer-mer replied. 

Kira smiled and clapped her paws together. "Well then, it's time for your next mission: stealing the king's talking bird."

 Even though they had just completed an epic adventure, Mer-mer and Shadow-cat couldn't help but feel excited for the next one. They spent the day resting before setting off for the mountains tomorrow.

Kira's voice pierced through the darkness of the room, waking up the two young ninjas. They groaned as they rubbed their sleepy eyes and slowly sat up on their cots. Kira, dressed in her ninja gear, stood in front of them with a confident grin.

"Get up, braves," she said. "It's time for our next adventure."

The two cats reluctantly got out of bed, still feeling drowsy from the late night training session they had with Kira. One of them looked out  and saw that it was still dark outside.

"But it's still... dark," he murmured, wondering why they had to start so early.

Kira chuckled. "Even better. No one will see you moving in the shadows."

The other cat spoke up, voicing her concern. "But how will we navigate in the dark?"

"Don't worry," Kira said reassuringly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out small jars filled with glowing fireflies. "Tie these to your paws and they'll light your way."

The cats eagerly took the jars and tied them to their feet, excited about the prospect of being able to see in the darkness.

"And don't forget," Kira added as she handed them each a key, "the cage is located in the King's room at the palace. But be careful, there will be countless guards and deadly traps along the way." She gave them a serious look. "Beware and good luck."

Just this....frowned the Mer-mer.

Oh, well, smiled Kira. " You'll have to manage on your own from now on, I can't help you anymore. Remember everything I taught you about finding hidden traps and snares, for the King has hired a skilled hunter who sets deadly traps for unsuspecting thieves. But beware, there are also rumors of a necromancer in the palace who can bring skeletons and dead animals back to life. It is said that he has used powerful spells to protect the King's treasures, so be cautious when approaching the palace. Many unfortunate thieves have met their end with their heads impaled on stakes as a warning to others. And if you happen upon the necromancer himself, do not attempt to fight him. Flee for your life, for his powers are beyond anything you fought. 

Mer-mer frowned, his  tail twisting anxiously as she spoke. 

"If we don't return, you know where to find us."

 Kira slapped Mer-mer's neck playfully. "Enough of your babbling. Go fetch me the bird. I have more tasks for you," she teased. "And don't think this one is the hardest. The easy part is now. The hard part will be ahead."

 Mer-mer's hand gently patted Shadow-cat, his fierce but loyal companion. 

"That calmed me down," he murmured before turning to Shadow-cat. "Let's go." 

Together, they made their way towards the distant palace, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead...

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