Summoning the first shadow, Part 34

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"Alright, let's begin," Smugg said on the second night of the training. "The first spell I'll teach you is how to summon and control your shadow. This is a basic but essential skill for any shadow mage. Watch closely."

The dragon closed his eyes and concentrated. Suddenly, his shadow detached from his body and rose up, taking on a three-dimensional form. It mimicked Smugg's movements exactly.

"You try now," the dragon instructed. "Focus your mind, reach out with your senses, and command your shadow to rise."

Mer-mer took a deep breath and stared intently at his own shadow splayed across the rocky ground. At first, nothing happened. But as he narrowed his concentration, he felt a strange tingling sensation, like invisible strings connecting him to the dark silhouette.

Rise, he thought. To his amazement, the shadow began to peel itself off the ground, wobbling as it assumed his shape. Mer-mer experimentally waved a paw and grinned as the shadow cat copied him.

"Excellent!" Smugg praised. "You're a natural. With practice, you'll be able to maintain the shadow form with barely a thought. Now, let's move on to imbuing your shadow with substance so it can interact with the physical world."

For the next several hours, Mer-mer practiced diligently under Smugg's guidance. He learned how to make his shadow solid enough to climb up walls, to slip through cracks, even to form simple weapons. It was exhausting work, but exhilarating too. For the first time, Mer-mer felt like he was tapping into his true potential.

As the lesson drew to a close, Shadow-cat leaped down from her perch and stretched languidly. "Looking good, partner. At this rate, you'll be a shadow master in no time."

Smugg nodded approvingly. "You've done well for your first lesson. We'll continue your training each night in secret. But be cautious - the more you tap into your shadow powers, the more you may draw Solaris' attention. Mask your abilities around others."

"I understand," Mer-mer said solemnly. In a brighter tone he added, "Thank you, Smugg. For the lesson and for trusting me with the truth about my heritage. I won't let you down."

The dragon smiled toothily. "I have faith in you, young Guardian. Together, we will stop Solaris' mad scheme and restore balance to the realms. Now, you must return before you are missed. Until tomorrow night, stay sharp and stay safe."

With a swirl of smoke, the dragon cave dissolved and Mer-mer found himself back in the cell with Shadow-cat, the feline figurine once again inert in her paw. Though his body was weary, Mer-mer's mind raced with all he had learned. 

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