The last stand, Part 10

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Mer-mer's eyes sparkled as he continued his story:

"There was chaos on deck - smoke everywhere, flames, clashing swords and screaming pirates. I knew our only chance was to get to the warship before the powder kegs blew. So I fought like a man possessed, my saber flashing as I cut down soldier after soldier... My years of training as a Royal Musketeer came back to my mind. I hacked my way through enemy ranks with tooth and claw, thrust and slash."

"One-Eyed Jack" was a great sight, roaring and swinging his saber with deadly accuracy despite his missing eye. We made our way to the railing, leaving a trail of bodies in our wake.

Sharp Moustache listened in awe as his father described the epic battle. Mer-mer told how he and One-Eyed Jack fought back-to-back, holding off waves of attackers. How they rallied the remaining pirates and slowly pushed the invaders back.

"Just when we thought victory was within our grasp, disaster struck," Mer-mer said grimly. "An errant spark ignited the powder magazine. We had only seconds before the ship blew up.

"It's now or never, kitten! Jack growled. With a mighty leap we rose into the air just as a powerful explosion rocked our burning ship. The force of the blast sent us flying the rest of the way and we landed on the deck of the warship.

Unbelievable!, Sharp Moustache exclaimed.

' We landed heavily on the deck of the warship, the force of the explosion echoing in our ears. When the smoke cleared, we found ourselves surrounded by a circle of stunned soldiers with weapons drawn.

One-eyed Jack gave a ferocious battle cry and charged the nearest group, flashing his knife. I sprang into action as well, my saber blurring as I parried and struck. We fought back to back, a whirlwind of fur and steel.

The soldiers, caught off guard by our sudden appearance and ferocious attack, retreated in disorder. We forced our advantage and forced our way to the wheel of the ship. If we could take control, we might have a chance.

As we neared our target, a loud voice boomed over the chaos, "

'Hold, you scurvy dogs!'

The fighting stopped, and all eyes turned to the source. There, standing atop the quarterdeck, was a figure that made my blood run cold - Cardinal Richelieu himself.

His crimson robes billowed in the sea breeze as he glared down at us, his eyes glinting with malice. 

"Well, well," he purred. "If it isn't my old friend, the triple-crossing spy. I've been looking for you."

One-Eyed Jack glanced at me, his single eye narrowed. "Triple-crossing, eh? Seems you left out a few details, kitten."

I gulped, my mind racing. "Your Eminence," I called out, trying to keep my voice steady. "What a pleasant surprise. I was just on my way to see you, actually."

The Cardinal's laugh was like ice crackling. "Oh, I'm sure you were. Just as I'm sure you were planning to return the Queen's necklace that mysteriously vanished during your hasty departure from the palace."

I felt One-Eyed Jack stiffen beside me. "Necklace?" he growled. "You mean to tell me you had the real thing all along?"

"Ah, so he didn't tell you about that either?" Richelieu's smile was razor-sharp. "Our feline friend here absconded with a rather valuable piece of royal jewelry. I've been most eager to discuss its whereabouts with him."

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