Lyra, the Goddess of Dreams 34, Part 164

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"You are nothing against my power!" Tartarus roared, his voice shaking the very foundations of the chamber. "I am the Lord of Shadows, the Master of Despair! Your pathetic light is no match for the darkness I command!"

Moira stood firm against the onslaught, her staff blazing with radiant light. She could feel the darkness pressing in on her from all sides, trying to smother her radiance, but she refused to yield. With a fierce cry, she slammed her staff against the ground, sending out a shockwave of pure energy that blasted back the encroaching shadows.

"You underestimate the power of love!" she shouted defiantly. "It is a light that can never be extinguished, no matter how deep the darkness!"

Tartarus sneered at her words. "Love? A weak, useless emotion. It has no place in my realm."

But even as he spoke, Moira could see the fear flickering in his eyes. He knew the truth of her words, even if he would never admit it. Love was the one force that could stand against his darkness, the one power he could not overcome.

With a fierce determination burning in her heart, Moira gathered every ounce of love and light within her being. She thought of her daughter Colin, of her love Odin,  of the unbreakable bond they shared. She thought of Alric and Roku, of the friendship and loyalty that had carried them through so many trials. And most of all, she thought of Lyra - sweet, brave Lyra, trapped in this nightmare realm, waiting for them to save her.

Moira felt the love swelling inside her like a supernova, burning brighter and hotter until it consumed her entirely. With a final cry of defiance, she unleashed it all in a blinding flash of pure radiance that exploded outward from her body.

The light washed over Tartarus like a tidal wave,searing through his shadows and burning away his darkness. He screamed in agony as  the love pierced him to his very core, unraveling the fabric of his being.

Moira poured every ounce of love and light into the searing radiance that burst forth from her very soul. The blazing luminescence engulfed Tartarus in an inferno of pure hope, the shadows of his form disintegrating under the onslaught. His agonized screams rent the air as the darkness that comprised his essence unraveled thread by thread, unable to withstand the power of Moira's sacrifice.

"No! What have you done?" Tartarus howled, his voice distorted and fading as the light consumed him. "You cannot destroy me! I am eternal!"

But even as he raged against the inevitable, his form collapsed in on itself, shadows imploding until nothing remained but drifting ash caught in the swirling vortex of Moira's radiant energy. With a final, thunderous roar, Tartarus - Dread Lord of Shadows - was unmade, vanquished by the unbreakable power of love.

As the blinding light faded, Alric struggled to his feet, blinking away spots from his vision. Around him, his companions stirred, rising unsteadily as they took in the scene of their triumph. But their elation was short-lived as their gazes fell upon Moira's still form lying crumpled on the ground, her staff's light extinguished.

"Mother!" Colin cried, rushing to her side. She cradled her head in his lap, tears streaking her face as she beheld her ashen skin and closed eyes. "No, please... don't leave me..."

Moira's lashes fluttered weakly and her eyes opened, their once vibrant green now clouded and dim. "Colin..." she breathed, her voice barely a whisper. "My brave girl... I am so proud of you."

"Why?" Colin choked out between sobs. "Why did you do it? We could have found another way!"

A faint smile graced Moira's lips. "There was no other way. Tartarus's power was too great. Only an act of true love could defeat him." She raised a trembling hand to cup Colin's cheek. "Promise me... promise you'll save Lyra. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain."

"I promise," Colin vowed fiercely, clasping his mother's hand tightly. "I won't let you down."

Moira's smile widened even as the light in her eyes faded. "I know you won't. I love you, Colin... always..."

With a final, shuddering breath, Moira's eyes slid closed and her body went limp in Colin's arms. A wail of anguish tore from her throat as she clutched her tightly, rocking back and forth as grief consumed her.

Alric, Roku, and Odin gathered around, their faces etched with sorrow...

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