Аn unexpected ally, Part 57

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Shadow-Cat watched helplessly as the guards dragged her friends away in chains. Her heart raced as she tried to formulate a plan. She had to find a way to rescue them before it was too late.

Slipping out of Batiatus' villa unnoticed, Shadow-Cat blended into the night shadows and raced back towards the rebel camp. She had to alert the others about what had transpired.

As she ran, her mind reeled with the gravity of the situation. The Emperor himself had taken Mer-Mer, Latina and Ragnar - this changed everything. Solaris was one threat, but now they faced the might of Rome itself. Doubt began to creep into her thoughts. Did they really stand a chance against such overwhelming odds?

Shaking her head, Shadow-Cat pushed those fears aside. They had come too far to give up now. Mer-Mer and the others were counting on her. She had to stay focused on finding a way to save them.

Bursting into the rebel camp, Shadow-Cat quickly relayed the dire news to Spartacus, Julia and Vespera. Spartacus' face darkened with concern and rage.

"We have to act swiftly," he growled. "Before the Emperor has a chance to make a public spectacle of their deaths. Every moment we delay puts them at greater risk."

"Agreed," Julia said grimly. "But we can't just charge blindly into the Emperor's villa. It will be heavily guarded. We need a plan."

As they huddled together to strategize, weighing their limited options, Shadow-Cat's sharp ears picked up a faint whirring sound in the distance. Perking up, she turned to see a strange mechanical bird descending from the night sky. It landed gracefully on a nearby tree branch, fixing them with glowing red eyes.

"That's one of Solaris' creations," Vespera said warily. "But what is it doing here?"

The bird opened its beak and a small scroll dropped to the ground at their feet. Shadow-Cat picked it up and unrolled it. Her eyes widened as she read the message inscribed within.

"It's from a Roman senator named Mark Anthony," she said in disbelief. "He says that Mer-Mer and the others are being held in the Emperor's dungeon...and that he has sent an assassin to infiltrate the villa and free them. He invites us to visit his villa. He wants to talk to us."

"This could be a trap," Vespera. says.

"We have no choice, "Spartacus said. "Otherwise our friends will die, crucified."

"Can we trust him?" Spartacus asked suspiciously. "Why would a Roman senator want to help us?"

"I don't know," Shadow-Cat admitted. "But right now, any ally is better than none. This assassin may be our best chance at saving our friends."

Julia nodded slowly. "Shadow-Cat is right. We have to take this chance, risky as it may be. In the meantime, we'll mobilize the rebels and prepare for battle. If this assassin succeeds, we'll need to continued with our plan. "

Suddenly, Julia hugged Spartacus warmly and cried..

"Please, let me go in your place. If the Romans capture you, it will be the end of the rebellion!"

" I'm sorry Julia, Spartacus couldn't tear her away from him. I must go in person. I think , Mark 

Anthony will keep his word...I just can't figure out what he's thinking..."

Spartacus disguised himself as a beggar and made his way to Mark Anthony's villa, where he was to meet Senator...

" Why does he need my help, " Spartacus wondered..."Why..."he wondered but could not find an answer.

" Just the thought that he sent an assassin to liquidate the Emperor shows that he is willing to do anything... Yes he is a very dangerous man. Who will become Emperor , after killing him...And suddenly an idea struck him. Who were the most influential people in Rome, after the Emperor?They were the senators Marcus Crassus, Gnaeus Criss and Mark Anthony...Yes, after the emperor was killed, there would be a civil war, and Мarc Аntony was looking desperately   for allies. If he defeated Spartacus, the senators would elect him emperor...Deep  in his thoughts Spartacus did not see when he had come before Mark Anthony's rich villa. He approached the entrance, where Rhine warriors stood at post."Here, no place for beggars, "said one, and pushed him off." This is the villa of the noble senator Mark Anthony."

"Pass this to the senator if you don't want your head to fall off," Spartacus said, handing him a paper.

Not long after, the guard returned and shouted to him, " Follow me. The illustrious senator will receive you..."

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