Lyra, the Goddess of Dreams 28, Part 158

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The seven abominations regarded the heroes with cruel amusement, their eldritch eyes glittering with malicious glee. The very air seemed to crackle and warp around them, charged with the power of their unholy presence.

"Foolish mortals!" hissed War, leveling his venomous blade at Alric's heart. "You dare to trespass in this realm of darkness? You court oblivion!"

"We do not fear you!" Odin shouted, though his voice sounded small and hollow in the face of such monstrosity. "We have come for the Shadow Soul."

The Horsemen threw back their heads and laughed, a soul-searing cacophony of mockery and disdain.

"You seek to claim the Shadow Soul?" sneered Famine, her voice as dry as crumbling parchment. "You understand nothing of its true power!"

"The Shadow Soul belongs to our master,Lord Tartarus," intoned Death, his words as cold as the grave.

Alric met the Horseman's gaze unflinchingly, his own blade at the ready. 

"We have come for the Shadow Soul, and we will not leave without it! Stand aside, or be cut down!"

War threw back his head and laughed, a harsh, grating sound like the screams of the dying. "Bold words, little man. But you have no conception of the powers you seek to defy. We are the Heralds of Armageddon, the Scourges of the Apocalypse! What chance do you think you have against us?"

"We have faced worse than you," Moira retorted, her staff glowing with holy radiance. "Creatures of darkness and despair hold no terror for us. We walk in the light, and it shall be our shield!"

Famine sneered, her withered lips peeling back from yellowed fangs. "Foolish girl. The light has no power here. This is a realm of eternal shadow, where hope withers and dies. You will all soon learn the true meaning of despair."

With that, the Horsemen charged, their nightmarish steeds surging forward in a thunderous cacophony of hoofbeats and tortured screams. War led the charge, his venom-dripping blade slashing through the air in a deadly arc. Alric leapt forward to meet him, his own sword sparking and ringing as it parried the blow. The two warriors traded blows in a whirlwind of flashing steel, sparks flying as their blades clashed again and again.

War pressed the assault, his movements fluid and fierce. Alric felt the weight of each strike, the power behind War's blows reminiscent of the very battles that had caused nations to fracture and bleed. But Alric stood firm, drawing on the strength of his companions nearby.

Roku moved swiftly, his bow taut as he launched arrows at Famine, whose skeletal steed shied away from the projectiles just in time. The arrows found their mark, striking against her ancient armor and causing cracks to splinter across her visage.

"Famine feeds upon despair!��� she shrieked, her voice a chorus of rustling leaves and dying embers. "You think mere arrows can end my hunger?"

Moira stepped forward, channeling energy through her staff to create an ethereal barrier that pulsed with warmth. "We are not so easily devoured!" she shouted, directing a wave of healing light toward Colin and Roku to bolster their resolve.

"Your light is weak!" Pestilence cackled as he released dark arrows from his bow, each one trailing sickly smoke and decay. "Surrender now or succumb to the plague of your own wounds!"

Colin nimbly dodged the foul missiles, retaliating with arrows of her own—each finding its target in Pestilence's twisted form. "This isn't a fight for our lives; it's a fight for Lyra!" she cried defiantly.

As chaos erupted around them, Chaos itself danced into the fray, warping reality with every twist of its form. With fleeting shapes and gibbering sounds, it sought to unravel their minds. "Embrace the madness!" it shrieked, colors spilling from its hands like spilled paint in a frenzy.

But Alric pressed on against War's relentless assault, sweat dripping from his brow as he deflected blow after blow. He caught glimpses of his friends battling their own fears: Odin raising his staff high against Death's scythe, Moira weaving healing threads through writhing shadows that threatened to swallow them all.

Suddenly, amidst this chaos, Lust glided effortlessly into view, her enchanting presence shimmering like moonlight on water. "Oh sweet heroes," she purred softly, brushing her fingers against Alric's arm. "What if I told you there was another way? A path filled with pleasure instead of pain?"

The air thickened with temptation as her voice wrapped around Alric like silk threads. He shook his head violently to clear his thoughts; he could not let himself be entranced by illusions! "I know what you are," he growled through clenched teeth.

With renewed determination coursing through him from the thought of Lyra trapped somewhere beyond an endless nightmarish abyss, Alric fought through Lust's enchanting words and pushed closer to War.

"I will not falter!" he yelled defiantly as he delivered a slash that managed to sever War's grip on his blade momentarily.

Behind him, Odin's voice echoed through the chaos: "We're not here for power or lust; we seek only to save our friend! Use your strength together!"

Roku nocked another arrow and shot true towards Death, striking its bony arm just as it prepared to reap another soul from Moira who was now surrounded from two sides. 

The situation became very desperate. If they lost Moira, that would be the end of them... 

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