Mark Antony, Part 30

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Lady Lucretia smiled, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "Excellent. I look forward to this private showing. I'm sure my husband will be most intrigued by your...unique acquisitions."

As she turned to leave, her gaze fell upon Mer-mer and Shadow-cat, who had been observing the exchange intently. Something in her expression sent a chill down Mer-mer's spine - a mixture of curiosity and cruel amusement.

After the Lady had departed, Batiatus turned to Doctor, his face alight with avarice. 

"Ready the cats. Spare no expense in their presentation. This could be the opportunity we've been waiting for!"

Mer-mer and Shadow-cat were quickly whisked away to be bathed, groomed, and outfitted in fine armor. As they were being prepared, Mer-mer leaned close to his companion.

"I don't like this," he whispered. "Why would a Roman Senator take such a keen interest in us?"

Shadow-cat's eyes narrowed. "I suspect it has something to do with the Time Compass. Remember what Solaris said - there are powerful forces seeking it. This Senator and his wife may be among them."

Mer-mer felt a surge of trepidation. "Then this private showing could be a trap. Or an attempt to pry information from us."

Shadow-cat nodded grimly. "We'll have to be on our guard. Play their game for now, but reveal nothing. And be ready for anything."

As they were led out to meet the Senator, resplendent in their gleaming armor, Mer-mer's heart raced. He knew they were walking into a den of vipers, where every word and gesture could hold hidden meanings.

But beneath the fear, a steely resolve took hold. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he and Shadow-cat would face them together. They would unravel the secrets of the Time Compass, and find their way home - or die trying.

The Senator's villa was a sprawling estate, a testament to wealth and power. As they were escorted into a lush private garden, Mer-mer couldn't help but marvel at the opulence on display - intricate mosaics, burbling fountains, and exotic plants from across the empire.

 Marble columns, intricate mosaics, lush gardens - it was a far cry from the spartan confines of the ludus.

Senator Marc Antony reclined on a couch, sipping wine as he watched their approach with a calculating gaze. Lady Lucretia sat beside him, her eyes glittering with anticipation.

"Welcome, welcome!" the Senator called out. "The famed cats who fell from the heavens. I have been so eager to make your acquaintance."

Mer-mer and Shadow-cat bowed low, as they had been instructed. 

"The honor is ours, Senator," Shadow-cat replied smoothly. "We are humbled by your interest."

Marc Antony leaned forward, studying them intently.

 "I have heard many intriguing tales about you" the Senator drawled, eyeing them appraisingly. "I trust they will provide suitable entertainment?"

"Without a doubt, your eminence," Batiatus assured him, bowing obsequiously. "They are the fiercest creatures to ever grace the sands of the arena."

The Senator clapped his hands. "Excellent! Let the show begin."

Before Mer-mer could wonder what he meant, a group of heavily armed guards emerged from the surrounding shrubbery. But instead of taking up positions around the perimeter as expected, they advanced menacingly on the two cats.

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