The way of the ninja 30, Part 121

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Meanwhile, Ragnar and the princess had returned from their visit with the dragon-horse, who had been unable to decipher the ancient runes guarding the entrance to the dark dwarves' realm. Frustrated but determined, they met up with Gnash, who shared the troubling news of Mer-mer and Shadow-cat's capture.

"We must rescue them at once," Ragnar declared, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword. "But how can we infiltrate the palace undetected?"

The princess's eyes sparkled with a sudden idea. "I have a plan," she said, a sly smile playing across her lips. "Ragnar, you shall pose as a wealthy merchant from a distant land, and I will be your newly acquired slave girl."

Ragnar's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he quickly caught on to her scheme. They set about procuring the necessary disguises - rich silks and glittering jewels for Ragnar, and a simple yet alluring outfit of gauzy fabric for the princess. Gnash used her magic to temporarily alter their appearances, darkening Ragnar's skin and lightening the princess's hair.

As dawn broke over the kingdom, Ragnar and the princess approached the palace gates disguised as a wealthy merchant and his slave girl. Ragnar wore fine silken robes of deep crimson, a thick beard concealing his youthful face. Around his neck hung heavy gold chains, and his fingers glittered with jeweled rings - the trappings of a man of means and influence. The princess was clad in gauzy wisps of translucent fabric that left little to the imagination, her wrists and ankles adorned with delicate chains of silver. She kept her eyes demurely downcast in the manner of a well-trained pleasure slave.

"Halt!" the guard at the gate commanded, eyeing them suspiciously. "State your business."

Ragnar drew himself up haughtily. "I am Rashid al-Din, a humble merchant from the distant lands of Ara-bay. I come bearing gifts for your illustrious king - spices, perfumes, silks...and this exquisite flower of the desert, my most prized possession." He indicated the princess with a flourish.

The guard hesitated, clearly torn between his duties and the allure of earning favor by bringing such a tempting prize before the King. Finally, greed won out over caution. "Very well, my lord. Follow me and I shall escort you to the throne room. But be warned - any funny business and it'll be the dungeons for you."

Ragnar nodded solemnly as they were led through the palace gates and into the opulent halls beyond. Marble columns stretched to the heavens, supporting arched ceilings painted with elaborate frescos. Liveried servants scurried to and fro, barely sparing a glance for the visitors.

At last they reached the throne room. The King lounged upon his gilded seat, a goblet of wine dangling from one bejeweled hand. His eyes lit up with interest as Ragnar and the princess approached and bowed low.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Ragnar proclaimed with an extravagant bow. "I, Rashid al-Din, have journeyed far to lay the treasures of the East at your feet." He clapped his hands and servants hurried forward bearing chests overflowing with exotic wonders - glittering silks, jars of fragrant spices, cunning mechanical devices of brass and silver.

But the king barely glanced at the luxurious offerings. His eyes were fixed hungrily upon the princess. "And who is this ravishing creature?" he demanded.

Ragnar smiled slyly. "Ah, you have a keen eye, Your Majesty. This is Layla, the Flower of the Desert, a slave trained in the sensual arts of love. But I fear her charms come with a hefty price..."

Ragnar stepped aside with a flourish, revealing the princess in all her finery. She raised her eyes and met the King's gaze boldly, a coy smile playing about her lips. The King sat up straighter, captivated by her dark beauty and fiery spirit.

The king was captivated, ensnared by the princess's allure. "Name it!" he commanded. "I must have her!"

Ragnar bowed again, hiding his triumphant grin. "Alas, Your Highness, I could never put a mere monetary value upon one so rare and precious..."

And so a bargain was struck. For a fat purse of gold, the king purchased the princess from Ragnar. She would be his personal concubine, to serve his every whim and pleasure. Only Ragnar and the princess knew the truth - that this was but a ruse to gain access to the palace dungeons.

That night, as the palace slept, the princess crept from her lavish new quarters and meet Ragnar. They made heir way down to the dungeons. Using the keys she had pilfered from a dozing guard, she unlocked the cell where Mer-mer and Shadow-cat were being held.

"Quickly," she whispered, pressing a finger to her lips. "We have horses waiting in the courtyard."

The cats' eyes widened with a mix of relief and amazement as they followed her back up the winding stairs. They moved silently through the slumbering palace, keeping to the shadows.

They crept up the winding stairs, pausing frequently to listen for signs of pursuit. As they slipped through the darkened corridors lined with snoring guards, Shadow-cat used her claws to silently dispatch any who stirred. They held their breath as they passed the chamber where the King slumbered, the princess having laced his wine with sleeping powder.

Finally, they reached the King's treasure room. Ragnar pulled a heavy iron key from his pocket - lifted from the chain around the snoozing ruler's neck - and carefully unlocked the door. It swung open to reveal mounds of gold and jewels, but they only had eyes for the ornate birdcage perched atop a velvet cushion.

The majestic bird sat in its gilded cage, preening its rainbow plumage. It looked up as they entered, its beady eyes widening in surprise.

"You again!" it squawked. "Persistent little burglars, aren't you?"

"We've come to liberate you," Shadow-cat declared, approaching the cage. "Wouldn't you rather spread your wings and fly free than remain a prisoner here?"

The bird cocked its head thoughtfully. "Fly free? That does sound rather appealing. But what's in it for you? Why risk your lives for little old me?"

Mer-mer stepped forward, bowing respectfully. "We seek your wisdom, oh feathered one. It is said that you possess knowledge of an ancient artifact that could aid us in a vital quest ...

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