Against all odds 3, Part 71

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Mer-Mer felt the surge of power within him rise to a crescendo as he pressed the advantage against Solaris. The shadows coiling around the tyrant tightened, their grip unyielding. Solaris struggled, thrashing against his bonds, but with every ounce of strength he exerted, the shadows only seemed to grow stronger.

"Fate has woven a new tapestry today, Solaris," Mer-Mer declared, his voice echoing with newfound authority. "Your reign of darkness ends here!"

Spartacus and the others surged forward, emboldened by the sight of Solaris faltering. They fought with unmatched ferocity, each rebel reclaiming a piece of their lost freedom with every blow they struck.

"Together!" Spartacus shouted as he rallied his comrades. "For our fallen brothers and sisters! For those who can't fight for themselves!"

The rebels pushed onward with renewed resolve, their spirits ignited by the presence of Azrael and the bond they shared in their struggle. Latina led the charge, her spear glinting like a shooting star as she leapt into battle, breaking through enemy lines with grace and power.

As the chaos unfolded, Nyx emerged from behind a veil of shadows. His expression twisted with fury and desperation as he sought to reassert his control over the battlefield. "Fools!" he screamed. "You think you can defy the darkness? I will show you true despair!"

With a wave of his staff, Nyx conjured a swirling vortex of shadow and malice that threatened to engulf everything in its path—the rebel camp trembled under its weight.

But Azrael stepped forward, unfazed by Nyx's display of power. "Your dark sorcery holds no sway here," he proclaimed as he summoned forth radiant energy that clashed against Nyx's shadows with explosive force.

The two dark powers collided in a spectacle that lit up the battlefield—a battle for domination that echoed with ancient echoes throughout time itself.

"Keep pressing forward!" Vespera called out asshe moved alongside the gladiators.

Vespera joined the fray, her staff glowing with healing energy as she moved to aid fallen rebels. "We must hold the line!" she shouted above the din of battle. "Don't let their darkness extinguish our light!"

Mer-Mer focused his power, drawing upon the shadows that danced around him. He could feel Azrael's presence like a guiding force, amplifying his abilities. With a fierce cry, he thrust his hands forward, sending tendrils of darkness lashing out at the sentinels. The shadowy bindings ensnared the mechanical soldiers, dragging them down into the abyss.

Spartacus and Latina fought back to back, their weapons a blur of motion as they cut through the enemy ranks. Spartacus' sword shone like a beacon of hope, rallying the rebels to greater feats of courage. Latina's spear found its mark again and again, felling sentinels with deadly precision.

Ragnar let out a booming laugh as he cleaved through a cluster of automatons with his massive axe. "Is that all you've got, Solaris?" he taunted. "I thought this was supposed to be a challenge!"

Shadow-Cat darted between the shadows, her feline agility allowing her to strike from unexpected angles. Her daggers flashed in the fading light as she hamstrung sentinels and sowed chaos in their orderly formations.

Scorpion moved like a wraith, his blades a whirlwind of death. He seemed to melt in and out of the shadows, striking with lethal efficiency before vanishing once more. Even the most battle-hardened legionnaires hesitated at the sight of his grim visage.

Amid the chaos, Azrael and Nyx clashed in a titanic duel of dark powers. Nyx hurled bolts of necrotic energy at the demon lord, his staff crackling with malevolent sorcery. But Azrael met each attack with waves of searing light, the very fabric of reality warping around them.

"You cannot win, necromancer," Azrael declared, his voice booming like thunder. "Your foul magics are no match for the forces of balance and justice."

Nyx snarled in defiance, redoubling his assault. "You underestimate the depths of my power, demon! I will drown this world in darkness and remake it in my image!"

As the two dark titans battled, Mer-Mer could feel the tide turning. The rebel forces surged forward with renewed vigor, emboldened by the presence of their supernatural allies. The sentinels and legionnaires began to falter, their lines buckling under the relentless onslaught.

Solaris watched from his throne, his face contorted with rage and disbelief. "No!" he screamed. "This cannot be! I am the master of shadows! I will not be denied my destiny!"

Come, my loyal champion, with these words he opened the portal and called Nyx.

The  Lich look it him with disrespect but didn't say anything. 

"The battle may be lost today, but the war is not yet over... We shall return!"

with these words he closed the portal , leaving behind the fleeing warriors and sentinels...

"Its over..."

Тhe cries of the gladiators rose above the battlefield, mingling with the groans of the wounded and the deaf metallic clatter of the fleeing sentinels... 

"We won, "Julia said and hugged Spartacus passionately. "Never scare me like that again, never! Promise..."

At the same time, Ragnar begged Lanita for a kiss.

"You remember when they were going to crucify us.."

"So what... ",Lanita looked at him sternly.

"You promised me a kiss."

"Okay," annoying, she said and kissed him on the cheek.

"I was hoping for more, "Ragnar said, but smiled. "Half a kiss is better  than nothing..."

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