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"Losing you is something that I can't handle."


I stormed back to my dorm and just flopped onto my bed. Conrad's chair spun around and he shut his textbook.

"There is no way that you got the food that quickly," Conrad laughed, "Did you lose your car or something?"

I didn't reply. As much as I liked Conrad I didn't want to joke with him over something so stupid.

He must have noticed something was up, because he pulled a chair up to my bed and sat down.

"Talk to me. Is it something that has to do with Daisy?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"What's up then? Did your parents call or did you fail a final?" Conrad asked.

"It's Maya."

"Maya? Maya your ex?"

"No. Maya my current girlfriend that I'm not telling you about," I snapped.

"Okay so what about Maya has got you all messed up?"

"She wants me to be happy."

Conrad laughed, "Your acting upset, because your ex girlfriend wants you to be happy? What did you want her to come set your pants on fire and watch you burn?"

"Yeah. I'd rather her go throughout life hating me than her wanting me to be happy."

"How do you know that she wants you to be happy anyways?"

"She did a radio show a couple minutes ago and told everyone that she wants me to be happy. Maya also said that she wishes me the best in my relationship with Daisy."

"She wished you the best with a relationship that your not even in anymore?"

"Nobody knows that we aren't dating anymore except you. She wants me to be happy. Why can't she just hate me like any other ex would? If I was Maya I would hate me."

Whenever I got here I told Conrad everything about what happened with Maya and I. He listened to me pour my heart out about every last thing that happen between us. Conrad had been dating the same girl since he was eighteen so he couldn't relate to my situation.

"Lucas she doesn't have any reason to hate you."

"I broke her heart and I probably led her to drink."

"Don't do that to yourself."

"I blew it. I'm never going to see her again. I'm never going to be happy again."

Conrad joked, "I'm hurt. I thought that you were very happy with being my roommate, but I guess I was wrong."

"Can you stop with the jokes?" I asked.

Conrad got up for a minute and I thought he was going to leave until he stopped at my dresser. He started searching through until he found whatever he was looking for.

"Catch!" He yelled, throwing something at me.

I sat up get in time to catch whatever he threw at me.

He threw me the little black box that had Maya's ring inside of it.

I took the ring out of the box and stared at it. I never realized how expensive the ring probably was. Shawn probably had to save up for months and months just so that he could afford to get that ring for Angela.

Shawn's voice echoed, "Someone deserves to get their happy ending with this ring."

Someone deserves at happy ending with this ring, I just don't think that I can give that to her.

"Why?" Conrad asked, sitting down.

I questioned, "Why what?"

"Why did you keep a ring that Shawn intended for Maya to have?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"False. You know exactly why you kept the ring so tell me why you kept it?"

"I already told you that I don't know why I kept the ring."

"You kept the ring, because you knew that if you left it behind you would never see her again. If you would have left that ring there you would have had no reason to go back and see her. And since you still have the ring you known that deep down you are the one who should be giving it to her."

Conrad was actually making sense for once.

"Do you want to go see Maya again?"


"Then get off your butt and book a plane ticket to California," Conrad said, getting up.

"It's not the simple. The last time that we saw each other was when we broke up and I don't know if I could handle it."

Conrad shook his head, "I'm going to go actual food and whenever I come back you better have booked a plane ticket to California or you better be done mopping around."

Conrad left shutting the door behind him and I sat there looking at the ring. I never went into detail about why I kept the ring whenever I left, because for someone reason it didn't feel real.

I thought that after we broke up she would come back over an hour later and things would be okay. She never came back the night and I just assumed that things were over for good once they left to see Shawn without me.


A shorter chapter but I'm going to try to but another chapter up later tonight.

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now