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"How do I become the guy that you never want to lose? How do I become the guy that can always make you smile? How do I become the guy that makes you think that happily ever after exist?"

"Just keep being you."


Lucas and I never ended up going to his parents house. We spent the whole day in bed. I know that I should have made him see his parents, but I didn't want to see him in a bad mood.

We were back to normal and I didn't want him to get all worked up over them. I would probably try to get him to see his parents in a couple days. We had to be home soon though, because Riley was going to be having the baby soon.

I was going to make it back to see Kian being born no matter what. I didn't care if I would have to pull all the strings in the world to make it back in time.

I knew that Lucas would get me back there in time even if that meant he wouldn't get Quinn's stuff. He was just the type of person to put everyone ahead of him.


Lucas came out of the bathroom with a towel on. He must have gotten into the shower while I was taking a nap.

He looked good.

"I saved you some hot water if you wanted to get a shower," Lucas pointed back towards the shower.

I nodded, "Thanks,"

"You're Welcome."

Hey how long did it take you to get those abs?" I asked.

He blushed, "Why are you staring at me?"

"I can't help it. Now answer my question."

"I don't know a few months. Why are you trying to get abs?"

"No. I can barely run up stairs without getting out of breath."

"Yeah I noticed your not a big fan of working out."

"What is that supposed to mean?

"You've been living in my sweatshirt for days now," He chuckled, sitting down next to me.

I bumped his shoulder and he bumped mine back.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, because you look good in it."

"You look way better in it than I do."

I smiled up at him before I leaned in a kissed him. Lucas kissed back softly running his fingers through my hair.

When we broke apart I starred at him for a few seconds before I leaned in like I was going to kiss him again. Instead I whispered in his ear.

"You look good too."

Lucas leaned over and kiss me once more. Just when the kiss was getting good I got up and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey that's not fair!" He shouted.


Once I finished getting dressed and putting my hair up I opened the bathroom door to let steam out.
Lucas walked over.

"Hey look who got dressed," I smirked.

"I know. I figured that it was time I put some clothes on. I saw the way that you were staring at me when I came out of the bathroom."

"Shut up. You give me that look at least ten times a day."

"I can't help it that you always look beautiful."

"I look beautiful even when I'm dressed in your sweatshirt, with no makeup on, and my hair up in a weird bun."

"Especially then, because that is what you looked like when I first meet you."

I didn't try looking nice whenever Lucas was first around, because I was still trying to get over Josh. Once I started to have feeling I wanted to not like look someone who didn't care about anything.

"Back whenever I pretend to hate you," I said.

He smiled, "Back when you would correct everything that I said."

"Correction I still do that now."

He gave me smirk.

"You still do that even now."

"Do you remember that time that I had to spent the night, because Farkle got stuck at his friends house?" I asked.

"Yeah. That was probably the best night of my life."

"Why we didn't even do anything that night?"

"That was the first time we had a real conversation."

"You found out that I was afraid of thunderstorms that night."

"Yeah. I don't think that I've ever had a girl sleepover at my place that quickly before."

"Well I better be the last girl that you spent the night with before."

"Trust me I don't plan on spending nights together with any other girls expect for you."

I loved everything that was coming out of his mouth right now. If I didn't already know that I wanted to be with him forever, I would definitely know now.


Merry Christmas guys!!!! Your Christmas present from me is going to be a bunch of chapters from A Part of Me. I will be releasing them all throughout today and tomorrow and maybe into the 26th.

This was a little filler chapter but I thought it was cute so hopefully you thought it was cute too. I went back to one of the first chapters that I wrote for Empty.

Oh and by the way Empty now has close to 220k reads. I cannot believe that I got that many views on a story that I wrote. I honestly thought that nobody would read it.

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now