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"I'm gonna love you until we are old and in rocking chairs and even then I will still love you."


"Lucas wake up."

I blinked my eyes a couple times and rubbed them until I could get them open.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Maya laughed.

I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Maya and I were finally back together. We even opened up to each other about more stuff that we never talked about.

"I'm tried," I mumbled.

Maya was sitting on the bed wearing my college sweatshirt from Franklin. It was weird to see her wearing something that tore us apart.

She leaned over and kissed my lips, "Whose fault is that?"

I pulled her down on top of, me hugging her tightly.

"It takes two to tango," I replied.

Maya rolled over off me and got up from the bed.

"We need to get up and do something today," Maya said, "Maybe it's time we go see your parents."

I would rather do anything else than see my two parents.

I wined, "Do we have to?"

"Lucas you do remember the reason why we came to Texas. We came here to get Quinn's stuff so we need to do that."

"Are you sure we can't just stay here all day doing nothing? Or how about I take you out again?"



"Be ready in ten minutes."

Maya ran off to the bathroom. She was mostly going to spend thirty minutes doing her hair even though she gave me ten. I didn't mind waiting for her. I'd be willing to wait forever for her. That's what you do when you love someone.


Sorry this took forever to update I have had insane writers block

What do you guys want me to write a chapter about? Leave me a comment with an idea that you want me to write about for this book. It can be about anything.

What do you want Maya and Lucas to do?


What do you want Farkle and Riley to do?

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now