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"I'm not calling you a liar, but don't lie to me."


Once I had made it down stairs I began searching for my parents. I went from room to room, but more than anything I wanted to just leave this house.

"Mother! Father!" I shouted in each room.

I heard Maya come flailing down the stairs after me. She came running up to me and grabbed me.

"Lucas stop this isn't you!" She yelled.

She was right, it wasn't me. I don't usually let my parents get under my skin like this.

"You can't let them get you. We just need to get Quinn's stuff and leave," Maya said.

I nodded, "Let's go get her stuff and then we can leave and head home."

Maya and I began walking upstairs, but my parents appeared out of nowhere stopping us.

"Lucas dinner is ready. You and your friend Maya can't leave without having dinner," My mother refuted.

"I think we have overstayed our welcome so we'll just be leaving now," I replied.

I grabbed Maya's hand again and making another attempt to leave. My dad stopped me this time.

"Lucas Friar you will not disobey your parents like this. You will sit down at the table and enjoy a meal just like every other family!" My dad yelled.

I'm sure the neighbours next door I could hear the yelling. They heard it a lot whenever I was kid too. They never let it get loud enough that the cops had to come check on us.

Maya looked up at me. She gave me a look saying we just need to get through this dinner.

"Fine," I scoffed, "Let's go eat dinner and then we are out for here."

My mom clapped her hands together and led us into the kitchen. The table was all set out with food sitting everywhere. My mom set out wine glasses that were full. I turned towards Maya and she glared at them.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Maya said, clutching her stomach.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "You'll be fine, just don't drink any of the wine."

I gave Maya my hand and helped her sit down on one of the chairs. My dad sat across from me and my mom sat across from Maya.

"I hope you enjoy this," My mom explained, "It's an old family recipe."

Maya took a bite of the pasta, "This is really good. Lucas why can't you cook like this."

"Well one nobody was ever home to teach me how to cook. And two I didn't know old family recipe meant ordering food from the restaurant down the street," I refuted, "I saw them dropping off the food ten minutes ago and next time try disposing the boxes in a better place."

"That's enough Lucas. Your mother never learned to cook, because she was always working. Unlike some families we tried to provide for our family," Maya dad yelled, "What did your parents do Maya?"

Maya had been leaving herself out of the conversation so that things wouldn't come back to her like this.

"My mom worked worked at a diner near our apartment," Maya said.

My mom asked, "What does your mother do now?"

"She died a couple years ago in a car crash."

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now