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"We are going to be best friends until one of gets old and forgets about each other. And then we will just be new friends."


Since Farkle couldn't come with me to my appointment today Maya jumped at the chance to come with me. We both waited for the doctor to call us in as we made small talk about various baby things.

Maya asked, "So what color are you painting the nursery?"

"I think Farkle's going to paint it brown and green," I replied.

"That will look nice. I'm sure that Kian will have the nicest baby room that a baby has ever had before."

"I know. Farkle and I will probably spoil this little guy rotten."

"I can't wait to meet him and teach him about the world. And just maybe he will have the same teacher for all of middle and high school."

Maya and I both laughed.

I was afraid that things between us wouldn't return to normal whenever she got back, but I was wrong. We still hung out everyday and talked nonstop about everything just like I wanted.

"When's Josh moving back to New York?" I asked.

"Two days."

Maya and Josh grew a lot closer while she was in rehab so it's a little sad to see him go. I figured that Josh would just stay here until his girlfriend's job would get relocated to California.

"Are you going to miss him?"

"Yeah. He was really there for me while I was staying in rehab, but I know he belongs with Kayla."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I just got motion sickness whenever I would get on the plane. Farkle made me minimize the amount of times that I could get on the plane."

I felt really guilty that I couldn't spend time with Maya while she was in rehab. She was my best friend and I couldn't see her, because I would throw up if I stepped foot on a plane.

"It's okay. I understood why you couldn't see me. At least we got to video chat and talk on the phone every couple of days."


A doctor walked out into the waiting room with a clipboard and started to look around the room for someone.

"Riley Matthews," A lady called.

I raised my hand so that she would know that I was Riley.

"We can see you now," She smiled.

Maya helped me get up and we followed the doctor into the room.

"Hey I'm Riley's best friend Maya," Maya said, shaking her hand.

"I'm Doctor Holly."

"Riley's boyfriend couldn't make it today, because of a work thing so I wanted to come with her this time," Maya explained.

"Is this your first time seeing the baby?"

Maya nodded.

"Alright can you sit down on the table and lay back," My doctor said.

I got up on the table and laid back so that she could check on the baby.

After she did the normal stuff she finally got to put the baby up on the ultrasound monitor.

The doctor pointed out Kian's feet and his hands on the monitor.

"He is going to be so adorable," Maya gushed, looking at Kian.

Even though Maya missed the first half of my pregnancy I'm glad that she is here with me now.


I'm sorry that this is so short but I couldn't really think of more to add.

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