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"Doesn't the thought of me keep you up at night?"


Farkle, Maya and I were sitting at Maya's kitchen table going through a list of names for Kian's middle name. The three of us all have these huge lists full of every name that we could never think of.

"What about Daniel?" I asked.

Farkle shook his head.

"Not for a middle name," Maya said.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to looking at the other names that I had.

Farkle suggested, "How does Jared sound? Kian Jared?"

"Kian Jared Minkus? That doesn't fit very well," I replied.

"Connor? Toby? Caleb? Tyler?" Maya asked.

"I like Caleb, but I also really like Connor," I sighed.

The three of us have been going through names together for the past two hours and have been having no luck.

"Why is picking out a name for our baby so hard?" I wined.

"Well you guys came up with Kian so quickly why can't you do the same with a middle name?" Maya asked.

From the moment that Farkle and I knew we were having a baby the name was going to be Kian. I didn't care if we had a boy or a girl, because either way the name was going to be Kian.

I knew that my first child's name was going to be Kian when I was eleven. Once Farkle and I started dating and then started talking about a family he grew to like the name Kian.

"I never thought about other before," I replied.

"Farkle did you think about any other names?" Maya asked.

"I liked Tyler, but Riley doesn't like that name."

"Why don't we flip a coin to pick the name?" Maya suggested.

I shook my head, "We are not picking our future child's name over a coin toss."

"I guess we are going to have to keep looking for the perfect baby name," Maya said.

"I wish Lucas was here to help us," Farkle let out.

The words slipped right out of his mouth. He didn't mean to bring Lucas up. He didn't want Maya to have to remember him. But it just came out.

I looked over to see if she noticed what Farkle said. She was looking at Farkle for a couple seconds before she looked down at the baby book in front of her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said his name," Farkle apologized, "Forget I even said that."

"Farkle it's okay. Next to me you were the closest to him. You guys were bros or whatever guys call each other," Maya explained, "I don't expect you to not say his name from now on."

"Doesn't it hurt you to talk about him?" Farkle asked.

"At first it did, but now I just to focus on the future. I was given this live for a reason and I intend to live it to the fullest."

I smiled and so did Farkle.


"Babe are you coming to bed?" Farkle shouted, from our bedroom.

"Yeah. I just have have to go to the bathroom first," I yelled.

"You always have to pee."

"Well that's what happens when you are pregnant."

I heard Farkle laugh.

Once I finished going to the bathroom I walked into the bedroom.

"Do you think we will never be able to pick a middle name for Kian?" I asked.

Farkle rubbed my stomach and whispered to the baby, "Hey your mom and I can't think of your middle name so we might need a little help. Next time we are going through names it would be helpful if you kicked whenever you hear the one you like."

The baby kicked back and Farkle's face lit up.

"He's smart just like his daddy," I replied.

"Kian's going to five hundred A's whenever he's in school," Farkle laughed.

"Father like son."

We both laughed.

Farkle's phone started to vibrate on the nightstand.

"Answer that it might be Maya," I said.

Farkle picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

"Who is it?" I asked.

Farkle shrugged, "It's an unknown number."

"Answer it. Maybe it's Kayla," I replied.

"Hello?" Farkle answered.

I heard someone start to talk on the other line, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Um yeah this is his old roommate," Farkle replied.

Someone's calling about Lucas.

"Yeah. Can you hang on for one second?" Farkle asked.

Farkle took the phone away from his ear and looked at me.

"Who's calling you?" I asked.

"Conrad, Lucas' roommate at Franklin."

"Why is he calling you?"

"Conrad thinks Lucas need to come back to California."

"I don't think that's the best idea right now."

"Let me finish talking to him."


Next chapter might be in Conrad's POV but it might not be.

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now