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"Life will never be the same there had never been anyone like you ever in the world"


I wiped the sweat that was forming off Riley's forehead. Her contraction were so close that the baby would come out with a few pushes. She still wouldn't push more than a couple times. She was in a lot of pain

When the doctor asked her to push she would slightly push, but not enough to make enough progress. I wanted her to push so that she could be out of pain, but I knew that she need her friend here.

"Here comes another contraction," the doctor said, looking at charts.

Riley tensed up once the pain began throughout her body. She was being strong. I could tell she wasn't letting me see how much pain she was in. I already knew she was strong.

"Babe why don't you just push," I begged.

She glared at me, "I can't push without Maya. I need her here."

I pretended to be hurt, "I'm offended that I'm not good enough for you to push. I am the father of our baby."

She glared at me again. I chuckled. She wasn't in the mood to laugh, but I could tell that this would ease the time for her.

"I love you and I couldn't do this without you, but I need her. We've been through everything together and this is just something I need to do with her," she smiled at me, "I need you too. We wouldn't be in this situation without you."

I laughed again. This was the woman I loved. She was even making jokes moments before giving birth. Nothing could stop this woman.

"Riley, I love you so much."

She squeezed my hand again.

"I love you so much."

The pain from her contraction subsided and she began breathing heavily. Her face began to change. The doctor walked over and checked her monitor. She had a look on her face.

The doctor walked back over to us and put her hands on the bed. Riley stopped squeezing my hand and gave her full attention to the doctor.

"Is something wrong?" Riley asked.

The doctor shook her head, "I'm just getting concerned for the baby's sake. Most women try to push prematurely, but you don't even want to push. I think at some point you are just going to have to stop waiting for your friend and begin pushing."

Riley squeezed my hand once more. Not because of the pain, but at the thought of doing this without Maya. I could see her energy started to dissipate.

"But what about Maya. We promised each other that we would do this together. I need her here-"

"I know she's your best friend and your friendship means a lot to you both, but this is more important. You're going to be a mom and I don't want you to put you or your baby's wellbeing's at sake."

I glanced at Riley who had started to cry slightly. I hated seeing her like this. If someway I could take all this pain away from her I would.

Riley wiped a tear away, "I understand."

The doctor walked back over and began waiting for Riley's next contraction. It was only a few more seconds until the next one began.

Riley started to push, but a few seconds after pushing she stopped at started crying again.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it. I can't do this without Maya," she was sobbing, "I'm sorry. I know I'm selfish and I should just be listening to the doctor, but it hurts so much and I need her here."

I loved this woman so much.

I sat down on the edge of her bed and kissed her forehead once again. The sweat was forming again so I wiped it away and the tears that were rolling down her cheek.

I loved her and couldn't let her continue without telling her how much I loved her and how much I needed this woman in my life.

"Riley, I know this is tuff and if I could take this all away from you right now I would, because nothing hurts me more than seeing the woman I love in so much pain. But just think about how amazing this is going to be. We're about to bring a baby into the world. A baby with the most beautiful mother ever. She's even the most beautiful woman ever while covered in sweat, tears, and snot."

Something in her face livened up. She looked up at me and touched my cheek with her soft hands.

"Not only will he have the most beautiful mother ever, he will also have the smartest mother. If Kian only turns out to be half as smart as you, he'll still be the smartest kid around. I know that you'll teach Kian everything so that someday he can have what we have. You'll teach him right from wrong and you'll show him how powerful someone's love can be."

I felt myself falling madly in love with this woman all over again.

She started crying all over again. She cried and smiled and kissed me softly.

"And Kian will be lucky to have you as a father. A father who has loved me my entire life. A father who has constantly put everyone else's happiness before his own. This baby is going to be the luckiest baby in the world and it's because of you. I know that you'll move mountains to make us happy. I know that once he's here the love between us grows a million percent. I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her too. I wanted to marry her.

"Here comes another contraction," the doctor said quickly.

I wanted everything with her.

"Riley, when I'm with you everything just feels so meant to be. I know that nothing in this world is absolute, but I just know that when I'm with you this is how it's supposed to be. At the end of the day you belong with me. I belong with you. We belong with each other."

"Farkle," she said not wanting to break the moment, "I love you.

"I love you too."

She squeezed my hand tightly as she pushed. A real push.

"I love you so much," I said through the push.

She screamed in pain slightly and threw her head back against the pillow as the contraction ended.

"I love you and I want you forever. You knew that I was the one when we were children and I know now that you're the only person I'll ever want to spend a lifetime with. I need you forever. Farkle, will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe she said those words. A forever with the woman I loved more than anything.

I kissed her a few seconds after I processed what she said.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"


I knew before I started writing this story that I wanted these two to get engaged in a similari way to Corey and Topanga. I always wanted Riley to ask Farkle.

I got the inspiration for the lovey dovey stuff right before she gives birth from Bones. Angela and Hodgins had a moment so beautiful and I just wanted to try to capture that in my own version.

I hope you love this as much as I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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