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"I'm thinking about my future and how much I want you in it."


After a good half hour of Maya and I pacing back and fourth my phone starting ringing. I put my phone on speaker so that Maya could hear what was going on.

"Farkle is everything okay?" I asked.

Maya added, "What's going on? Are Riley and Kian okay?"

"They are great actually. The doctor checked out Riley and she was just having some Braxton Hicks contractions," He replied.

Maya let out a gigantic. I felt some giant weight get lifted off my shoulders.

Riley was okay and so was the baby. That is all that matters right now.

"So when do they think that Kian will be born?" I asked.

"The doctor said he could come at anytime, but Kian looks on track to born after Christmas. When do you guys plan on coming home? I only ask, because Riley said that she refuses to have this baby with Maya here to help her."

I laughed. They really couldn't do anything without the other one around.

"Tell Riley not to worry, because once we go through Quinn's stuff we will be out of here and be driving home. I won't stop driving until we get back home," I said.

"I'll make sure that I tell Riley that," Farkle laughed.

Maya asked, "Hey Farkle do you think that you can give Riley the phone? I really think that she could use her best friend right now."

"I'll give her the phone right now."

"Thank you."

"I'm going to give you guys a minute," I said, walking away.

Before I had the chance to walk fully away I heard Maya talking to Riley.

"Your never going to believe what happened?"

I was not able to hear what Riley was saying, because she took the phone off the speaker phone.

"Yeah. I know. I figured that it would happen if we went on the trip together that's kinda the reason why I went with him."

I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face. She was talking about us.

"It's going better than it did the first time, because now we don't have any secrets between us. We can start over and we can just forget about the bad stuff that happened before."

I'm glad that she couldn't see how badly I was smiling in this moment. She would definitely make fun me in some way.


Sorry for the short chapter but the next couple are going to be longer 

Also sorry if the spacing is messed up I typed this on a laptop if it I while fix the spacing later

I have a three day weekend so hopefully I can update again :)

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now