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"That moment when you burst into tears in your room and you realise that no one knows how unhappy you are."


Conrad looked in the mirror one last time to make sure he look presettable for his date. I watched him smooth out his hair and make sure his shirt look perfect. I couldn't help it, I was jealous. I was jealous that he still had someone to call his.

"Alright Isabel is here. I should be back in a couple of hours," Conrad said.

I didn't say anything instead I nodded my head.

"Do you need me to stay here with you? I can cancel my date with Isabel. She's not busy tomorrow so we can get go out then."

"No. My unhappiness shouldn't ruin your happiness."

I rolled over on my bed so that I was facing the wall and he couldn't see my face. I just wanted to be alone.

Conrad sighed, "Call me if anything changes and you need me to come home. We are only going to dinner like fifteen minutes away so I can come back if you need me."

"Just go," I murmured.

Conrad probably would have fought back, but he knew that I wanted to be alone.

Conrad grabbed his keys and walked over to the door, "I'm going."

Once he walked out of the room I flipped back over and pulled out my phone. I went through my voicemails until I found the one I was looking for.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy Lucasssss it's Maya Hart not to be confused with Maya Heart."

It was Maya's voicemail. At first she was talking but then she started to cry.

"It's eleven p.m. here. Your sleeping and I'm crying. How could you just leave me Lucas? How could you just tell me that you loved me and let me walk out the door? How could you just leave me without saying goodbye?"

I listened to this at least ten times when I woke the morning after she sent it.

"I don't understand how someone can just let the person they love go. Why couldn't you have just stayed and let us work through our issues. Everyone has issues. Riley and Farkle had so many when they first started dating, but they got over all of them."

She was right. We could have easily worked through everything.

"Were you mad at me, because I friend zoned you? Lucas I got over that. Trust me I want to be so much more than your friend."

I could feel the tears start to build up in my eyes.

"Lucas I can't get you out of my head. It's two a.m. and I took seven shots of vodka just trying to forget your name, but all I forgot was mine and sober or drunk you're the only thing on my mind."

She was drunk, but I knew that she meant every word.

"Just please come home and wrap your arms around me and tell me everything will be okay. I can play my guitar and we can sing songs together all night. We can watch those stupid movies together all night long. I don't care what we do as long as you are right here with me. Trust me if I could pull you out through the phone I would."

I probably would have pulled her through the phone as well.

"Just please come home."

I want to trust me.

"My heart can't take this."

The voicemail ended two minutes later. These two minutes were just full of Maya crying. It broke my heart hearing her cry. It broke my heart to know that I caused her all this pain. I was the reason why she was crying.

It suddenly just felt too much. And then I started to cry. At first it was just small tears, but then I was just full on sobbing.

Just at that moment the door opened up, "Hey man I forget my wallet, but once I grab it I'll be out of your way."

I tried wiping my tears away so that Conrad wouldn't see how badly I was crying, but it didn't work.

"Lucas are you crying?" He asked.

I didn't say anything back, because I was in the middle of crying my eyes out.

I heard him take out his phone and call Isabel so that he couldn't cancel his date. Once he got off the phone he sat down on the bed next to me and waited for me to stop crying.

"Would I be correct to assume that you were crying over that voicemail Maya sent you?" He asked.

Conrad had never heard the voicemail before, but he saw me cry over it one time. The day I explained to him what happened between Maya and I was the day I got her voicemail.

"I needed to hear her voice. I needed to hear her sound like she still loved me."

"She might still love you."


This found to sound weird but I might need to do a chapter in Conrad's POV.
Do you guys have anything against that?

Also I used the quote at the beginning of the chapter in the chapter where Maya originally called Lucas.

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now