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"Just when you second life seems like it is going right your first life comes back and ruins everything."


"Hey I think you left your phone here this morning," Maya said, when I walked through the front door after classes.

"Yeah I was rushing around this morning and I must have forgotten to take it with me," I sighed.

I set my messenger bag down on the table and went to my room. My phone was still sitting on my dresser.

"Three missed calls all from the same number," I said.

"I heard it going off, but I didn't want to answer it just in case it was one of your bros," Maya laughed.

"It's an unknown number so it's not one of my bros," I mocked.

Whoever it was left me a voicemail.

"Hello Lucas-" I knew who it was after two words.

My parents.

I got this dead look on my face because Maya stopped and stared at me.

"Lucas hello this is your mother and Father."

My mom was the only one speaking though she did say my dad's name.

"I just wanted to let you know we want to get rid of your sister junk that she left here. Your father and I want nothing to do with it so you should come pick out what you want."

Pick out what I want? They can't even get rid of the stuff on their own.

"So I suggest you come down to Texas soon or else we can just throw everything away. That's all goodbye."

I sat the phone down on the table not caring where it landed.

Maya looked at me with a sympathetic look. It was almost the same way I looked at her whenever she talked about her mom.

"Who was that?" Maya asked.

"My no-good parents called me," I said.

"What did they want?"

"They need someone to come get rid of Quinn stuff that she left before moving away."

"Don't they have other people that can do that for them. You said your family is rich why don't they just hire someone to do it for them."

"Nobody knows the truth about what happened to Quinn except for us."

Maya probably told Farkle and Riley about my parents and my sister, but that doesn't bug me.

"I hate my parents so much. I haven't seen them for five years, because I hate him that much," I said.

A slammed my fist down on the table.

"I thought you stayed with them when we were in New York last year."

"I lied to you and everyone else. I haven't seen my parents since I graduated high school."

"Where did you live after that?" She asked.

"I lived in Texas and New York alone. My parents took me back and forth between Texas and New York as a kid I never fully had a real home."

"Why didn't you tell me that last year?" Maya asked.

"Your life was going in thirty different directions last year so I thought it was best not to complicate it with my life story. I didn't want you to think that I was trying to connect with you over our broken families."

Maya and I were so much alike. Both of us grow up in broken homes. My parents were never home, because they were always working. Maya's mom was never home, because she had to work in order to provide for her daughter.

Maya asked, "What are you going to do about your sister's stuff? Are you going to let them throw away her stuff?"

"I can't let them just throw away all of her stuff like she is nothing. Maybe she was nothing to them, but Quinn was all that I had."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I'm going to Texas." 


I'm seeing a road trip in the near future.

A Part of Me -Sequel to EmptyWhere stories live. Discover now