Chapter 1

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3 years later

Your POV
I was in the coffee shop, waiting for my drink to be made. As I was waiting, I noticed a green-eyed beauty was staring at me which made her smile and turn her head away in embarrassment. Two can play this game.

"Y/N!" The barista called, which made the green eyed hottie turn her direction towards me. I eyed the girl as I grabbed my drink and I made my way towards the girl.

"Y/N, what a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl." She winked at me before gesturing for me to sit down. I hesitantly sat down and stared at the girl. I had to admit she had the prettiest eyes I laid on ever since Ca- Nope.. I don't have feelings for her. Nope.

Am i seriously thinking about her right now? After what she's done to me? Pffh. Not after the calls and texts I made which she hasn't returned in years. I'm still heartbroken. She's off going around the world, performing and living her dreams.

A call was enough.

A cough brought me out of my thoughts. I composed myself and focused on the girl in front of me.

"Your name?" I asked the mystery girl. She was somewhat shocked at my question. Was I supposed to know who she was?

"Lauren. Lauren Jauregui." Her husky voice becoming more evident. Something to die for. I swear that name sounds so familiar.

"You live around here?" I take a sip of my drink while I locked her eyes with my own.

"Yeah but I'm not staying long unfortunately. Wish I could stay around your pretty face a little longer." She flashed her pearly white perfect teeth.

"Me too.." I mumbled out which she obviously heard, with the evident smirk on her face. Her phone began to ring so she pulled it out and mouthed a 'sorry' before answering it.

"Hey Camz! What! Shut up! St-Okay. I'll be there okay! Give me 20 minutes. I'll meet you and the girls there okay?" She huffed. "I have to go! Duty calls!" Her frown was replaced with a forced smile. Camz? Why does...Okay nevermind. Is she a stripper? What the hell? I assumed she noticed my confused look on my face so she explained the call."I have rehearsals for this concert I'm doing! Call me? I'll be in town for a month." We exchanged numbers and she put her contact name as 'Green-Eyed Hottie💚🙈 while I put my contact name as 'Y/N coffee girl 😻'.

"Bye cutie. You should also come to our concert this weekend! I'll get you backstage passes! I'll text you the details." She smiled before leaving the coffee shop. I pumped my fist in victory and everyone around me started to stare at me. Shit. I ducked and hid my face. I couldn't wait to see her this weekend.


Lauren's POV
I entered the studio with a shit eating grin on my face. Everyone turned their attention towards me and stared at me. What the hell? Continue what you're doing.

"Where you been?" Dinah asked before smirking, noticing my big ass grin on my face. "What happened today? You meet someone?" She nudged me with her elbow playfully.

"Oooh! Lo! Give us the juicy details!" Normani chimed in. Ally, Dinah, and Normani stare at me, waiting for me to spill. I noticed Camila wasn't here.

Where is Camila?

I returned my gaze towards my nosy bandmates.

"I saw this girl and she was gorgeous... We talked and she might be going to our concert this weekend." I bit my lip from smiling but failing miserably. The girls started to tease me and started laughing at me which caused me to pout.

"What happened Lo?" Camila piped in, behind Dinah.

"I met someone and you guys are gonna love her!!" Little did I know that Y/N was Camila's best friend.

"Awww!! I can't wait to meet her. What's her name?" Ally asked.

"Y/N." I saw Camila widen her eyes in shock and her lips turn into an 'o' which I shrug off. Camila shook her head before smiling at me.

"I can't wait to meet her."

A/N: Dont forget to vote and comment guys ;)

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