Chapter 10

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For the rest of the evening, the girls wanted to watch a movie. They all agreed on watching a scary movie. Well mostly Camila and Lauren. I have no idea why Camila would pick a scary movie.

Camila hates scary movies.

We all settled on the couch, Lauren was on my right side, Camila was on my left, while the rest of the girls sat on the floor. During the movie, I glanced over at Lauren who was lost in the movie and I couldn't help smile at her cuteness. She was beautiful.

Lauren turns her head towards me, catching me staring at her like a creep.


My cheeks began to heat up so I played it off by telling her she had something on her face. But really she doesn't. I'm so off my game. She shook her head before smiling and returning her gaze back to the movie. I chuckled quietly but stopping abruptly when I felt a hand on my thigh.


I swallowed very loudly making Camila giggle softly. She gives me an innocent smile, while slowly moving her hand up. I scan around the room to see if anyone else was looking, luckily no. I decided to take my hand, and intertwine it with hers.

She leans close to my ear and whispers, "If you were a banan-" I didn't get to hear the rest of the sentence as screams filled the room, making me flinch off the couch.

"Hoi! Y/N, watch yo self. What is this?" I felt one of my breasts being squeezed which made me moan involuntarily. "Oh sorry."


Everyone looked at me with shock and I quickly shuffled back into my seat with hot rose red cheeks. I stayed quiet for the rest of the movie, trying to lay low.


"It was nice having you here Y/N. Come by soon! I'm sure Lauren would love it." Ally says, whispering the last part. She pulls me in to give her a hug.

Dinah playfully pouts, "Why don't you just sleep over? For Camila's sake." I wanna slap Dinah so bad. I glare at her, making the girl shut up.

"Yeah that'd be a great idea." Lauren chimed in. "She can share a bunk with me."

What the hell?

I glance towards Camila and she just shrugs at me. I could tell she was upset about it though.

"Yeah okay." I strained out, scratching the nape of my neck and pretended to check the time on my phone.

2:43 a.m.

Shit. I had 11 calls and 35 text messages from Shay. Fuck that bish.

Although I don't think sharing a bunk with Lauren is a good idea. This might not end well. Normani and Ally smirks at me before leaving to go sleep in their bunks, leaving me, Lauren, Dinah and Camila left in the room.

"Yo, I'm hungry. Can you drive us out to eat?" Dinah's stomach growled very loudly.

I chuckled before replying, "Yeah. Let's go." They followed me to my baby, which was my Jeep Wranger 2015. As soon as I get into my car, I see Lauren racing Camila to the passenger seat.

Dinah gets in, laughing really hard with tears in her eyes and Lauren slips into the passenger seat, giggling.

"What?" I ask chuckling along with them.

Dinah was still trying catch her breath as she tried to speak, "She." Another laugh. "Mila." Laughs again. "Fell on." Another fucking obnoxious laugh. "Her face." I began to burst out laughing along with them and Camila comes in with a pouty lips that I wanted to kiss off of her face so bad.

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