Chapter 13

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A/N: Aw this was like the cutest thing ever.. I'm so glad Fifth harmony got the chance to experience that with Taylor Swift. Camila was dying lol. I'm so happy for them. TCA WAS GOOD TOO OMG. This week has been good and full of surprises.

The girls decided to drag me to one of the local mall in hope of spending "quality" time with me but I think it's an excuse to discuss about Lauren and I. There's not really much to say to be honest. Lauren doesn't really make me feel the same way about Camila.

I guess I feel a little guilty leading Lauren on. All she builds is sexual frustration but Camila on the other hand.....

Just talking about Camila makes my heart ache. She makes me feel the weirdest shit ever and I like it. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. Right before we entered the mall, Austin called her and she knew I had been listening so she tried to act like she didn't care about him but I know she does.

I think.

I don't believe her when she says she in love with me if she's engaged to Dorito Boy. It hurt how she lied to me.

For some reason, The girls stopped moving and just observed me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you thinking about? You've been really quiet?" Ally asked with genuine concern.

"It's nothing." I flickered my eyes between Lauren and Camila which made Dinah give me a knowingly smirk.

"You can talk to us about anything." Normani piped in. I nodded my head and we resumed walking.

I turned my head and I catch Camila staring at me. When she realizes, her face turns beet red and she shot her head away from me, making me chuckle.

Sometimes I just hate it how I can't stay mad at Camila for so long.

Before I could laugh any further at Camila since she tripped, Lauren pulls me into a store and it's not the store where you'd expect someone to take you.

Victoria's Secret.

Lauren walks around while holding my hand, observing lingerie but I didn't mind.

This was interesting.

"Get ready for a show." She whispers in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe, making me bite my lip to stifle my low moan but failing as she gave me a smirk.

I gulped, "Y-Yeah, Lo." Lauren walked to the other side of the store, leaving me alone.

Someone taps my shoulder, making me turn.

"Camila." I sighed while running my hand through my hair. She stood there with a sad smile on her face.

"Can we talk please? In private and away from Lauren? Just let me explain." Her eyes pleaded me to go with her and I couldn't resist that.


"Just let me te-" She looked around before she grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the dressing room. Camila shut the door behind her and locked it. "Let's ta-" Camila cut me off once again but this time with her lips crashed against mine. I was in shock and I didn't know what to do. This is what I wanted but not like this. She is engaged to Dorito Boy.

I panted, "Camila. Stop." She continued kissing me latching her lips onto my neck, sucking on my pulse points, making me moan quietly. "Mila." I said a little louder.

Realization hits her and she pulls away immediately. "I'm so sorry."

My phone pinged, indicating I got a text.

From Green-Eyed Hottie🙈💚: Where did you go? Did you leave me? :(

To Green-Eyed Hottie🙈💚: I had to go to the bathroom. I'll be back soon :)

I put my phone away, returning my gaze back to Camila.

"Lauren just texted me. You have 5 minutes Karla." Her face fell at the name.


She cleared her throat, "Me and Austin are going to break off the engagement. I don't love him the way I love you. My feelings for you are stronger than his and I hope that means we can be together because I love you."

I don't know what to say. I am thrilled. I wanna rub it in Dorito Boy's bitch face.

That bitch was the side hoe all along and I am the main bae. Always have been.

Camila and I were going to be together.


"Okay is all you have to say?" Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

I sighed, "Yeah. I understand. I'm going now." I put my hand on the door handle to open it but Camila's hand shuts it.

"Stop. How can you just say Okay? Don't I mean anything to you? I thought you had feelings for me." Her voice cracked at the last part.

"Camila, I don't know what I'm feeling. One minute you make me feel like shit and one minute you make me feel like I can rule the world. I hate it. You make me feel the worst and the best. And There's no in between. All of it is so frustrating." She didn't say anything after that which upsets me so I left after that.

Was Camila going to fight for me? She did say she had feelings for me but was she going to prove it?

After the mall, Lauren had three bags from Victoria's Secret which worried me a little and I didn't want to know what was in there. It must've been full of lingerie in there. Especially for me. It didn't also surprise me that everyone had a handful of bags. Jeez.

Once we got back from the bus, I decided to crash on the couch and just think. Everyone else was in the back of the bunk, doing something.

Camila was going to break off the engagement for me.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot for?" Dinah laughed, pulling me out of my daze.

"I dunno." She gave me a look before plopping herself down next to me.

"You can tell me anything, Y/N. Plus, you're my bish. You should tell me everything." I chuckled at her attempt at a ghetto impression.

"It's just Camila. She told me she was going to break off the engagement." Dinah nodded.

"I told you so." I playfully slap her on the arm. "You should go talk to her. You at least give her that. You two are like my OTP."

I chuckled as I agreed along with her so I dragged myself towards Camila's bunk.

"Yeah. Wait, you are bumping up the wedding date to next weekend?" She had a little shock in her voice. Fuck. There was long pause till she replied. "Yeah. No I'm shocked. It's just that I have to tell you something..."

Here it comes...

"I can't wait to marry you." She finished.

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