Chapter 11

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A/N: yooo camila/you will be endgame trust mee but if you want to be with lauren, it wont be long term. i love you guysss❤️ stay strong! THANKS FOR over 500 votes😘😘 i wanted to double update

"Y/N...I'm actually engaged to him." I felt air leave my lungs and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

I began to gasp, desperately trying to breathe but it wouldn't allow me. I felt my heart pounding out of my cheat and fire burning all over my skin. I fell down on my back and continued gasping. Camila screams my name. It started to sound vague and my vision blurred.

I see two familiar figures come outside of the parlor and run towards us.

Lauren POV
"What happened?!" I asked shakily.

I'm so scared.

"I was telling her about Austin and she just started choking. Please do something! I don't know what to do." I held Y/N up and I cupped both of her cheeks.

"Lauren, she's having a panic attack." Dinah says while pacing back and forth. I nodded.

"Can't we do somethi-" Camila paused as I crash my lips with Y/N.

Your POV
I widen my eyes as Lauren placed her lips onto mine. Her eyes were tight shut while I was in a state of shock. I felt her lips move against mine making my lips along with her. The electric sweet sensation I felt from Lauren was...


It lasted for a minute before Lauren pulled away. I looked at her flabbergasted and she just smiled at me innocently. My jaw is dropped and I don't know how to react to that.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Dinah asked, placing her hand on my forehead.

I coughed a little before replying, "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks Lauren." I gave her an appreciative smile.

"Do you still want to eat? We can just take the pizza back to the bus." I nodded agreeing with the idea. Dinah and Lauren went inside to deal with whatever, leaving me and Camila outside.

An uncomfortable silence settled between us.

She stood there, her posture was stiff and tense. Camila decided to speak up breaking the silence, "I'm so sorry. I should've said something. I love you okay?" I sucked my lips into my mouth, not knowing what else to say. I'm just so exhausted and angry.

I began to walk to my car. As I got in, I slammed my fists onto the steering wheel.

I feel so fucked over. Everytime with Camila Cabello. I turn my car on and drive to the side of the building, waiting for the girls to come out.

Minutes later, Camila jumped in with the rest of the girls trailing behind her. It was a quiet, awkward drive back.


After we finished the delicious pizza may I add, Camila wanted to talk to me but I declined. It hurt feeling like this. She gave me a hurt look before going in her bunk.

"Hoi," Dinah said, taking a seat in front of me on the couch. "What's up?"

"Camila is engaged to Austin. Why didn't you tell me?" I'm hurt the fact that Dinah didn't tell me about them.

She gave me a sympathetic look, replying, "Because I thought it wouldn't mean anything to you since you and Camila's feelings are mutual and strong." I give her a disbelief look.

"It means everything to me." I weakly said.

"I had confident that you would look past that. That relationship doesn't mean anything to her. She's madly in love with you." I mentally rolled my eyes at the Poly. I know this is a bad time right now but.

"Confidence." I corrected. She rolled her eyes at me which made me chuckle but quickly changed my demeanor. "I don't want to be with her."

"What?" Dinah replaced her content expression with disappointment.

"I knew I shouldn't have came over today. It was a total waste of time Dinah. I'm disappointed all over again and it sucks. I'm hurt and I don't know why I feel like this!" I flailed my arms in frustration. "I feel like my heart is dropping, theres a sharp pain in stomach and I don't like it. How is this happening?"

"You're in love Y/N." She softly said. My eyes widen and I shake my head at her words.

"It hurts so much. I'm in so much pain. I want it to stop."

A/N: :((( oh nooo. Imm so sorryy

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