Chapter 23

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A/N: i made a camren fanfic.... go check it.  its gonna be really good.

"I'm not making the same mistake again. I love you okay? You mean so much to me. It's...." She trailed off, making me think the worst. What if it was this other person in her life? Camila slipped some clothes on. "Management is forcing me to be seen with Shawn rather than you." The Cuban muttered out. "I wasn't allowed to tell the girls so I just tried to be distant as possible."

"Shawn? Shawn who?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know him? Shawn Mendes?" I widened my eyes and step away from Camila. Holy shit. This can't be happening. What the fuck. Camila gives me a confused look.

I cover my face with my hands, "Please tell me you are kidding." I peek through the crack of my fingers only to see Mila silent. "Fuck."


"Because Mila...He's my fucking cousin. God, he's gonna rub it in my face." I groaned, taking my hands off my face. Camila just giggles before leaning forward pulling on my wrist towards her so I landed on her lap, straddling her.

"But you're still my baby." She softly said, pressing her lips against my head. "I'm really sorry about this. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. I just had to make it look convincing."

"I'm fine with it. I just wished you had told me earlier. Save me the heartache." Her fingers tilted my chin down as her lips pressed against mine. The kiss met for a chaste kiss which lasted for several seconds.

"I love you so much." She mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too." I sighed, interlacing my hand with hers. She leans back with a big smile plastered on her face. She looks so happy. It made my heart flutter.

I was really in love with her.

"I have to go meet up with Shawn soon. We're making a new song that will hopefully blow the charts. Do you want to come?"

I bite my lip, maybe he won't be able to flirt if I'm there. Shawn is not that bad of a guy though. Shit, what if he tries something with Camila? I'm totally going now.

"Yeah." I replied.

She gives me a unconvincing look, "You little weirdo."

"Shut up. Go change." Camila steals another kiss before she playfully pushes me off her lap and grabbing clothes from her drawer.


"Y/N! Long time no see!" His voice perks up causing me to cringe a little. I had nothing against him but...Okay I'm kinda annoyed with the fact that Camila has to be around him all the time. He engulfs me in his embrace which I hesitantly reciprocated. "What are you doing here?" Shawn smiles at me. Camila decided to leave me here with Shawn because she wanted us to catch up while she went out to get some food.

"Just here. With my girlfriend." I replied simply.

"Really?" Sounding a little shocked. "Where is she? I wanna meet the lucky lady." Completely oblivious to the fact that I'm dating Camila. Sometimes I swear he's clueless at times.


"Right here." I snapped my head towards the voice and gave her a shocked look. The Cuban smirked as she plopped herself down on my lap.

"Oh..Hey.." Shit. Shit. This is the second time that this has happened. Mm. I guess I'm not complaining besides the fact that I've slept with her.

Lauren innocently smiles at me before whispering in my ear, "I think we need to talk." I nodded as Lauren stood up extending her hand out for me to take. Shawn dopily grins at me giving me a thumbs up while Lauren wasn't looking.

"Wow Y/N." Shawn says in disbelief and I try so hard not to roll my eyes. "Good luck."

Lauren chuckles then pulling me outside of the studio, leaving Shawn by himself. I am glad that I'm getting time away from him. "What's going on? You two are keeping the girls and I out of the loop. We have to find out everything through social media and it's not cool Y/N. I had to call Shawn's publicist to find this place."

"Okay look, first of all; 1. Shawn and Mila are just making a song 2. Management is forcing Mila to be around Shawn for publicity 3. Why the hell did you tell Shawn that we were dating?"

She just shrugs at me, "I was just helping you out."

"Camila is going to be so mad."

"What am I going to be mad about?" Camila furrows her eyebrows in confusion while holding a brown sack of food. She gives me an irritated look,
urging for me to answer her but I don't. "Can you just tell me? I promise I won't try to be mad." She huffed.

" when Aust-Shawn was asking who Y/N's girlfriend was...I said i-" The Canadian appears from the doorway. When his eyes land on Camila, it lights up.

"Camila! Finally!" Shawn exclaimed, taking the brown bag from her. "I'm so hungry. Come on, let's eat. Do you guys want to join?" I politely decline as well as Lauren. "Well if you don't want to then let's just talk inside instead." I thought about it for a minute before accepting. Must avoid Camila. We all followed Shawn into a different room that looked a lot like a kitchen. At the table, Shawn and Camila sat next to each other while Lauren sat next to me across them.

"So how's everything Shawn?" I gritted through my teeth not even caring at all.

"It's great being able to work with Camila. Creating this new song and it's gonna be amazing." He gushed. I wanted to puke.

"Great." I said dripping with disinterest but he doesn't notice as his bubbly self continues to exist. He stabs a piece of chicken with his fork before lifting it up to close to Camila's mouth. I glared at the sight, wanting to strangle him but Lauren comfortingly placed her hand on my thigh.

Lauren leans over, "Don't worry about it babe."

I nodded in response.

How long am I gonna last?

A/N: check out my new story! this chapt was kinda like a filler. but enjoy.

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