Chapter 24

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Someone give me the strength from Shawn Mendes. I can't handle my cousin. He keeps asking questions about Lauren and I really don't want to answer them nor be near him. On the other hand, Camila is still annoyed about earlier.

She tried to find ways to talk to me but Shawn always asked her to help him with some shit. Lauren decided to stay and watch them do their thing. It was weird how she always came at the right time to save me. Or I don't know. It's probably the other way around.

"Y/N...." Lauren called, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah?" Shawn turned his head towards me and grinned at me. What the fuck dude. His face fell as I gave him a dirty look.

"Come here. I need help with something." I stood up and made my way to Lauren who looked like she was having trouble with the zipper of her dress.
"Come to the bathroom with me." She tugged on my wrist, pulling me to the bathroom.

"Mm Okay." I replied.

I shut the door behind me and when I do I see Lauren staying in one place. "Lauren! What the hell? Why are you just sta-"

Holy fucking shit.

Lauren steps out of the way and Camila comes into view. She had an annoyed look on her face along with her arms crossed over chest.

"What's going on here?" She says coldly.

Lauren scoffs, "Just spending time with my best friend Y/N. Remember her? The one you ditched for Shawn." Ouch.

"Shut the hell up Lauren. I'm still with Y/N." Camila snaps.

"Camila, relax. I'm just here to help Lauren fix her dress." I scratch the nape of my neck nervously.

Camila rolls her eyes, "Does that involve kissing?"

"What? No." I say confused of why she would say that.

"Shawn told me you two were dating. Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Camila raises an eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell Shawn I was dating you?"

"I wasn't sure whether or not you wanted Shawn to know."

Camila walks past Lauren, cupping my cheeks with her warm hands. "I really want the world to know that you belong to me and no one else." She sighs in disappointment. "But management is being so...."

"I know baby. Don't worry about it." I squeezed her hand.

"Do you want me to clear this up with Shawn?" Lauren offers.

"No. Just keep doing this whole thing." Camila pulls away. "But no kissing or touching." She narrows her eyes at Lauren.

"Okay Camz." Lauren giggles. "I can't keep any promises." Camila widens her eyes and I could feel her jealousy seething at her. "Let's go Y/N." Lauren interlaces her hand with mine, taking me outside of the bathroom. I blew a kiss to Camila making her roll her eyes but before I could turn back to Lauren, I see Camila "catch" the kiss.


"Hey! What took so long?" Shawn smirked. His eyes shifted behind me which must've been directing towards Mila.

I sighed, "Lauren just needed help." Lauren sits down in the chair, tugging me on her lap which I was taken aback by. Camila's eyes burn into Lauren's skull and it felt kinda tense.

"I want to know...How long have you two been together?"

Lauren's hands travel from my arms to my hips, giving a light squeeze, "A few months." Camila stays silent as her eyes focuses on Lauren's hands.

"You guys are really cute together." Shawn laughs.

I say awkwardly, "Thanks."

"Lauren.." Camila whispered yelled, trying to get Lauren's hands off of me. Lauren rolls her eyes, removing her hands away and letting them settle elsewhere.

"So annoying omg..." Lauren mumbles under her breath loud enough only for me to hear causing me to laugh.

"Well, we're gonna continue some editing and then finish up. Alright?" Camila nods, still glaring at Lauren.

Camila coughs, "Let's just hurry this up. Y/N and I have somewhere to be." Shawn gives her a confused look and realization hits her as she acknowledges her slip-up. "We're gonna buy some food for the girls." I giggle quietly at my dorky girlfriend.

"Well, Y/N and I will be going out then. Call us when you are ready." Camila bites her lip and by the looks of it, really hard gesturing she was really mad. I liked making Camila jealous though, she looked hot.

"Let's go then baby." I stood up, grinning down at the Cuban in front of me. I extended my hand out which Lauren gladly takes and I look back at Camila who was deep in thought, not paying attention to us at all.

"Bye Camz." Lauren giggles, shutting the door behind her.

A/N: yup. a storm is coming.

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