Chapter 27

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a/n: so we all know im pretty late on updating. we definitely established that but i promise you i will work on that and try to finish my stories.

xoxo, love yall

Your pov
I am pretty sure I drove past every red light, possibly earning a few fines here and there. I'm sure it was worth it though. I was coming home to see my baby. Of course after I immediately dropped off Lauren back to wherever. That wasn't important right now.

After pulling into the drive way of Camila's new place, I locked my car and quickly walked to the door. I thought twice before barging in and not knocking. Who the hell cares right now? Camila always loved to tease.

"Baby?" Camila calls and I see her head poke out of the corner.

I grin, "So? How about that offer?" But before I could latch my lips onto her neck, she pushes me away.

"It's off the table." I drop my jaw in disappointment while my face drops. She moves aside to come stand in front of me. The Cuban was wearing a simple large t-shirt with shorts underneath.

She shrugs at me, "That's what you get for ditching me and leaving me with Shawn."

In response, I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Babe, I would've stayed... if you asked me to. Plus it was getting boring having to sit around and do nothing."

Camila clenches her jaw before responding, " That's not the point." She sighs deeply, "I...I'm jealous of you and Lauren." Her gaze drops to the floor.

"What's there to be jealous of? Lauren and I will never be a thing ever again." I lift her chin up, forcing her orbs to be locked with mine. "Don't you think I get jealous of you and Shawn?"

Camila nods, "You d-" She groans cutting herself off.

"What is this really about?" I moved my hand from her chin to cup her cheek, rubbing comfortingly.

Camila's Pov
"My anxiety Y/N." Then flashbacks appear in my mind. Believe me it wasn't good.

God, I could feel it consuming my mind and body. It was so hard to breathe. I was in bed, on my phone scrolling through my tumblr. Tomorrow was a big day for me because I was about to leave for the X-Factor. I knew that if I did become successful, I would leave Y/N.

That thought killed me. What also killed me was my feelings for her.

What if she never loves me?

I'm going to leave without her not knowing my feelings for her. That isn't going to do me any good.
This weighed on me a lot. Everything was weighing on me. I tossed my phone to the side and I realized my breathing started to get choppy.

You're going to fail.

Y/N will never love you.

I felt my heart wrenching in the worst way possible along with my stomach growing sick. I gasped, trying to intake air. My vision blurred as hot tears poured down my cheeks and I whimpered quietly.

I need to breathe.

I had this constant need of assurance and affection otherwise I grew worried and scared. Negativity always lingered in my mind.

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