Chapter 28

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a/n: creds to owner!!! lol im gonna end the story right here.

Camila Pov
After our little talk, Lauren stayed over at my place and slept over. Y/N called me hours later and I didn't tell her about any of the PR. I didn't want her to know until I figure this out. The morning after, we went to our management's office. He was busy for the whole day so we decided to come back at night. Lauren and I burst into the doors of management, revealing our manager; Ryan Queer. Don't ask. He was surprised at our sudden outburst before smiling at us.

"Camila and Lauren, what can I do for you?" He looked exhausted with his droopy eyes and pouty lips.

Lauren looks towards me, gesturing for me to continue,"Right." I begin, "Ryan I'm really uncomfortable with having to do all of this publicity."

He presses his lips into a firm line before replying, "I get that." The old man licks his lips, "Well, tell me what you want then. I'll try to make this work as much as possible."

Lauren interjected before I could say anything else, "We want more security guards for god sake. No one takes us seriously" Ryan widen his eyes at the tone before nodding, "I don't want to date anyone in particular and neither does Camz."

Ryan furrows his brow, "Bu-"

"I have a girlfriend." I cut him off.

He blinks for a moment, in taking the information. The old man nods, "She's that mystery girl all over the news right?"

I admit with a nod, "I don't want to have to keep doing this. I love her so much." When I shift my gaze towards Lauren, her expression was blank. Ryan takes a few minutes thinking as he scratches his head.

He rubs his neck, "Alright fine. You two deserve to be happy. But I have one condition." The old man looked uneasy having to say these next words, "You are to leave Fifth Harmony. Otherwise deal with it. Camila you don't have to date Shawn." This publicity shit is so stupid.

Lauren and I are left in shock. An angry expression replaces Lauren's face as she says, "What the fuck?"

Ryan sighs with a raised hand, "Don't." He offers a small smile, "You guys have to understand that the industry is about money and fam-"

He stopped speaking as my phone started to ring. I dug in my pocket for my phone, pulling it out revealing a call from Y/N. Ryan gestures for me to answer the phone while Lauren speaks to the old geezer.

I leave the room and accept the call. I smile widely as I hear her comforting voice fill my ears, "Hey baby." God, I'm so in love.

I respond happily, "Hi..." Forgetting about everything happening around me. "What are you doing?"

She giggles causing my cheeks to heat up, "I'm about to start this project for school. How about you?"

I bite my lip, nervously as I remembered Ryan's previous words, "I have to tell you something."

Y/N's voice starts uneasy, "Okay..tell me,"

"I think I might...quit Fifth Harmony." Moments later, Y/N still doesn't answer. It worried me a little. I lick my lips, "Babe, are you still there?"

Y/N hums, "What happened? Why?" She sounds a little bit shocked and disappointed. It was so awkward and I don't even know why.

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