Chapter 19

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Camila's Pov
After my baby Y/N left, I told the rest of the girls about our date making them scream and they were really happy for me. Dinah started to jump around and scream OTP. I couldn't but blush at the fact that Ally says exactly, "No frickle frackling on the first date or God forbid me, I will shower you in holy water and that will be the only thing you'll be showering in." But you never know. I held my banana in my hand and took a bite out of it.

I'm really excited about our date. Oh my gosh, what if I do something really weird and Y/N backs out. What if I accidentally fall on my face?

"What else did she say?" Normani chirped.

I giggled, "Y/N said that we'll be going somewhere lowkey and I'll be pretty wet." Ally gave me a shocked look while falling out of her chair. Normani and Dinah just smirked at me.

There was one less green eyed person here. I realized Lauren wasn't here.

"Camila, you two are gonna be like rabbits." Dinah chuckled. Ally smacked Dinah's head, making her groan in pain.

I ignored her previous sentence, "Where's Lauren?"

"She was with us earlier and I think she left right when Y/N did." Ally replied, a stern look still on her face. I felt a tinge of jealousy as I pressed my lips into a firm line.

"Oh." I shouldn't be worried. I mean it's not like your ex bestfriend and your bestfriend used to fuck and date. Yeah no big deal.

"Camila...calm down. You're killing your banana." My fists loosen and I glanced down at my banana and the piece I had bitten off of fell on the floor.

My baby...

"Damn....Camila. Are you jealous?" Dinah smirked which got her another smack on the head.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why would I be?"

"Because they used to date.." And fuck.

"Y/N loves me okay? I have no need to be jealous. Her and Lauren are probably just hanging out.." I grumbled angrily and they all gave me a knowingly look. Minutes later, I sighed in defeat,"Okay fine. I'm jealous."

"Awww." Ally giggled. "It's okay to be Camila. You shouldn't worry because I'm sure they're just really good friends." Maybe a bit too good.

"I just do-" I was cut off as the front door was closed shut, revealing Lauren with her phone to her ear. She looked really happy with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it." She giggled. "It will be fine. Trust me. I just got home, I'll talk to you later babe. Bye." She sighed happily before walking towards us. "Hey."

After we greeted her, Dinah starts to bomb her with questions.

"Who was that?"

"Was that your new bae?


"It's just Y/N." I think my banana is dead now. The rest of it is on the floor. "Why?" She eyes me weirdly as she flicker her eyes between me and the banana.

"We're just wondering. You seem happy. What did Y/N say?"

Her smile got even bigger, "Nothing much. We just talked about college and her art." It was a long awkward pause until she spoke up again. "I'm gonna be upstairs if you guys need anything." She took another glance at me before leaving.

"Does Lo still like Y/N?" Normani asked.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of that. That's way past and gone. Lauren already had her chance.

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