Chapter 20

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A/N: any good camren fanfiction?😂 just for fun

After finishing our adventure, we were on the way home back to Fifth Harmony's mansion. I'm actually kinda late bringing Camila back. She was distracting me! Hell, if you were in my situation and Camila was feeling you, what would you do?

Nothing about it right? My point exactly.

Plus I couldn't resist someone like Camila.

Camila waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality. She giggled at me before she asks, "Are you okay?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" On the other hand, totally not freaking out over the fact of how Dinah or most importantly Ally plans on killing me. I mean it's not like I'm two hours late and I've received 23 calls and 56 text messages from the girls. No biggie.

"You look a little green. You almost look like you need a little assistance, fi-" She was cut off by a car horn. Shit. Who the hell would do this to me? I noticed the streetlight turned green and I didn't move yet. Instead, I flicked off the car behind us and started to drive very slowly. Granny style in fact. Too bad this street is one lane.

"That's right you little bitch." I muttered under my breath as I noticed the car stopped honking.

"Y/N!" Camila scolded.

"You were finis-" I jumped in my seat when I heard a loud repeating and annoying knock outside of my tinted window. "Holy shit." Camila gives me a look, telling me to roll down the windows which I obliged to. Because I'm whipped as fuck.

I'm met with one of my ex girlfriends. Great.

"You litt-" Her angry face turns into an shocked one. "Oh my god, Y/N." She squeals, very excited to see me. Maybe a bit too excited. "You piece of shit of a driver." We then bursted out laughing while she slapped my arm playfully.

"Hey Katherine, how you been?" I'm genuinely glad to see her.

"After seeing your face after all of these years, much better. How about you?" I heard a cough interrupting our little reunion, making me widen my eyes. Shit. I forgot about Camila.

"I've been good." I cleared my throat. "Kathy, this is Camila my.......friend." I saw a flash of hurt spread across her face but it was quickly replaced with a smile. Um. Did I do something wrong? I quickly shrug that off. "Camila, this is Katherine... My ex."

"We haven't officially met but I'm Katherine Petrova." Katherine extends her hand which Camila takes. They retract their hands away as soon as they touch.
"I thought that after the last time we met, a more public place would be less loud." I chuckled once more.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still shocked that she's here. Last time I saw her was when she was planning to move away to pursue her dreams.
You can assume from the rest from there.

She grins, "I moved back months ago. I was hoping I could run into you. I would've called but I wasn't sure it was the same number."

"That's great!" I glanced at the clock. Crap. "Call me and we can make plans? Yeah? I'm in a hurry and I think there's cars piling behind yours." I groaned.

"Alright, see you later sexy." I could feel my cheeks heat up as Katherine kissed my cheek and walked away, disappearing from my rear mirror. I heard a few mumbles escaping Camila's lips which sounded like curse words.

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