Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry if the last chapter was short! I hope you enjoy this one :) Vote and comment! I really like it when someone comments because usually it's something really funny. Anyways good luck with LoLo! :)

Your POV
I swallow a large gulp in my throat that was very audible. She gestured for me to come into the bus with a big smirk on her face.

"Where did the girls go?" I glanced around the bus, trying to find the nearest chair. I plopped myself down on the couch, Lauren stood in front of me with her hands on her hip.

"To run a few errands. It's just you and I alone." I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants, ignoring her reply.

"Dinah told me Ally was making waffles." I nervously chuckled.

"Oh." She placed both of her hands on my thighs and I tensed up at her touch. She licked her lips in sensual manner. Why do I feel like this right now?

Where my lady balls at?

I mentally prayed to myself because I have no idea what's going on right now. I've looked up information about the girls and watched some clips of the girls. The vine edits are really good. Mostly about Lauren and Camila.

I think they call this "The Jauregui Effect".

"Y-You should put on some clothes Lo." I stuttered.

Fuck. This is so embarrassing!

"Why?" She whispered into my ear before nibbling on my earlobe softly. A soft moan escaping my lips while my stomach was doing flips.

"Because you're gonna regret it if you don't." I panted out against her shoulder. She pulled back with a shocked look on her face. I smirked back at her in response.

"Two can play this game Lo, if that's what you want babe?" I mentally pumped my fist because I regained my confidence. I heard her gulp as I called her babe.

Shay would kill to be here right now. She had a big crush on Lauren but bitch uhuh!

I'm gonna give Lauren what they call "The Y/LN Effect". Lauren can't expect me not to tease back.

That's not how it works.

I flip our positions so Lauren was the one sitting down while I was hovering over her.  I notice her breath hitches as I lean close inches apart from her face. She eyes my lips as I wet it with my tongue, dragging my tongue slowly across my lips so I could torture Lauren just for a little.

Payback is a bitch.

I move my hands, placing one hand on her thigh and one cupping her cheek. Her breath hits against my lips and I wanted nothing but to kiss her. Lauren has one of the nicest, plump lips ever. I slowly lean in but quickly pull away as I heard chatter outside of the bus, taking Lauren and I out of our trance.

"We'll finish this later." Lauren gestured her and I with her hand before heading to the other side to the bus. She's probably changing.

I've never been this frustrated before.

The door is pulled open, revealing the remaining of the Fifth Harmony girls.

"Y/N!" Dinah squeals as she came over to give me a hug. I smiled at her enthusiasm and went to hug the other girls except for Camila. She stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Jeez.

I give her a small smile before sitting down  on the couch once again.

"We hope Lauren wasn't a pain in the ass. Where is she?" Normani playfully said.

"Uh. She went to go put on some clothes." I widen my eyes at the words that came out of my mouth. That sounded so wrong. Normani and Dinah gave me a smirk while Camila had an unreadable expression on her face. Then Ally looked really mad.

I heard that you should never get Ally mad.


(A/N: Im dead. I had to.😂😂)

"Ally, no it's not like that! She came out in a towel and sh-" I explained myself but it only seemed to make it worse. Dinah and Normani was just busting their ass, laughing at me. I noticed Camila was really quiet in the back.

"Y/N! SHE CAME OUT IN A TOWEL?" I mentally slap myself. That sounded so bad out loud.

"What's going on?" Lauren walked into the room with a confused expression.

"I should go." I nervously chuckled. Before I could move, Ally held my shirt in a tight grip so I sat back down.

"You are not going anywhere. Lauren sit down." Ally commanded. The ball of sunshine is now a fucking ball of storm.

Dinah was so right. Looks are deceiving.

Lauren sat down on the couch next to me. She gave me a wink as she placed her hand on my thigh.

Fuck me.

"Do I have to give you two a shower of holy water?" I shook my head quickly. "You two will not frickle frackle under this roof!"

Lauren just giggled at my nervousness which made me really confused. Why is she not scared?

"I didn't have sex with her Ally." Lauren reassured her. Ally's demeanor changed from scary to like sunshines and shit. She just started to die of laughter where tears came out of her eyes.

"I'm just messing around." Ally breathed out. Everyone else except for Camila started to laugh at me. I just sat here, with embarrassment etched on my face.

I think I like these girls.

A/N: 😂😂i kinda died writing this chapter. gotta love pastor ally! hoped you enjoyed it! vote and comment my babes!

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