Chapter 16

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I feared the worst.

"We need to take her to the hospital!" I screamed and the shaggy hair guy quickly nodded, pulling out his phone to call the ambulance I hope. Now I pulled out my phone, ready to text the Fifth Harmony girls. As I texted each of them, I glanced up and the guy put his phone away deciding not to call the ambulance. He looked like a deer in headlights.

I yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not getting in trouble for this shit. I'm out of here." He dashed out of the room with his friends following him. What a fucking douche.

I had a feeling of anxiety creeping around me.  

The girls arrived right after the fucking douche left and they weren't too happy.

"Oh my god." Ally screeched, she kneeled down close to Camila checking her pulse. "Her pulse is slowing down! Normani call the ambulance. What happened?" Normani nodded, calling the ambulance.

Dinah and Lauren were too shocked to do anything else. Horror looks were etched across all of their faces. Tears were streaming down everyone's face, scared for her life.

"This guy, he told me that she took some heroine. It must've backfired or something." It looks like realization hit Dinah as an angry expression replaced her previous expression. Before I knew it, Dinah slammed me against the wall with her fists gripping my shirt. I widened my eyes at the sudden outburst.

"This is all your fault Y/N. You drove her to this. If you would've just loved her back, she wouldn't do this. Mila would've never done this." I could feel my heart wrench in the worse way possible. Dinah was right. This was all my fault.

"Dinah!" Ally warned.

Lauren placed her hand on Dinah's shoulder in a comforting manner, "Hey D, now's not the time. Let her go." Dinah obliged, loosening her grip. She went to other side of the room, kneeling next to Camila.

"Ambulance will be here in 5." Normani informed.

"Wake up Chancho please. I love you." Dinah's voice cracked at the end.

This was my fault. All of it.


Once the ambulance arrived, we followed it back to the hospital. Everyone at the party were to drunk too notice anything so it ran smoothly. While waiting to check Camila in and we've been told she had to get surgery. It's been hours waiting for Camila to come out of surgery. I was worried something had bad happened. It was 3 a.m and everyone was crying, praying for Camila. It was the rest of the Fifth Harmony girls and just me. No one had even told Sinu yet. Oh god, What about Sofi?

"Hi, are any of you family related to Karla Camila Cabello?" A man said bringing me out of my thoughts. Everyone stood up, crowding around him and started to ask questions.

"Is she okay?"

"She's alive right?"

He gestured for the girls to quiet down, "She got out of surgery. There's some bad news and good news though."

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"She overdosed from heroin but we were able to save her in time. Also we've found out the heroine was laced with an unknown substance that caused her to O.D. From the O.D caused her brain to shut down so she's currently in a coma. We have no idea when she'll wake up. It could take weeks, months or maybe even years. I wish you ladies the best. Maybe you ladies would like to see her in room 21." He pointed towards the room down the hall. We thank him, making our way to the room.

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