Chapter 22

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so happy for mila. :)

Y/N pov
These past couple of weeks Camila has been ignoring me and not returning my calls. I have tried going to their place and convince Ally to let me talk to her but somehow Camila is never home. I've been all over the internet and all I see is Camila  with a new guy going to places. There was pictures of her and this other dude.

It was another mystery guy. Apparently they didn't want to reveal his face for some reason, just to bring in some juicy gossip and to lure readers in.

It bothered me so much and I've been trying so hard to get to Camila but she dodges me so quickly.

"It's okay, you know. She will come around." Her husky voice bringing me out of my thoughts. I was sitting at the edge of the cliff and somehow this green eyed beauty is here. I was back at the waterfall where I had taken Camila. And um..Lauren..But It could just calm me down.

It was like my safe haven.

"How'd you know I would be here?"

She sits next to me, peering into the horizon of the open clear night sky with the water underneath us. The waterfall was next to us while the water cascaded down to the lake below us and it would just look so beautiful. The moon light illuminated and reflected upon the water.

All of it was just beautiful.

"I don't." She replied simply.

I chuckle, "Why are you here then?"

"I like coming out to here." She leans her head onto my shoulder. "Anyways, I know you have a lot on your mind so I'm not gonna say much."

"I don't mind. I could hear you talk all day honestly." I giggled but I stopped abruptly as I realized what I just said. "That's not what I mean't. I mean you're really good at say-"

"I get it," Lauren giggles cutting me off. "Don't worry about it." My cheeks heat up at my rambling. She places her hand on top of mine comfortingly causing my lips to curve upward. "I try to catch her before she leaves the house but she's quick. She's so stubborn about so much shit." She sighed. "Do you want to tell me what happened before Dinah comes and gives you a poly beatdown?"

"I didn't really do anything." I replied.

"Really?" Lauren says with a chuckle in a sarcastic tone. "Because you are so oblivious to so much shit." I'm offended.

"I am not oblivious." I defended myself.

"What about my feelings for you?" Lauren retorted with a scoff. "Or how about when y-"

"Okay I get it." I muttered in defeat. "All I did was spend my day with Katherine, my ex. Then when we got back to the mansion, Katherine kissed me and right when I pushed Katherine off of my lap, Camila came in through the door. She assumed something had happened which something did but I didn't let it escalate." I explain. "When I tried to explain myself, Camila was too stubborn to listen to me. Then she told me to leave." Lauren wraps her arms around my torso while her head stayed on my shoulder.

She whispers, "For all the times that you rain on my parade. And all the clubs you get in using my name," I tapped along to the song. "You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake. You think I'm crying, oh my oh, well I ain't." I widened my eyes at these lyrics. I felt as she was singing to me. "And I didn't wanna write a song cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't but, you still hit my phone up. And baby I be movin' on and I think you should be somethin." She finishes and pushes herself up from the ground. Lauren towers over me, blocking the moon light and letting it cast over her.

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