Chapter 3

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A/N: YAY DOUBLE UPDATE BECAUSE I LOVE YALLLL. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING GUYS. Anyways, can you guys check out my friend's story "This Is Who I Am" by Tang_7259.

I stood up, I walked up to Camila and extended my hand out.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/LN." I forced a smile. Her face had a flash of hurt which made me feel a little guilty inside.

"I'm Camila Cabello." She took my hand and our hands lingered a little too long. Our hands tore apart as a cough brought us of the trance.

"Now that you have met everyone, let me show you around the place." Lauren spoke up.

I continued eyeing Camila. The short Cuban shifted uncomfortably in my gaze. She looked so different. More beautiful. More feminine. Camila had more curves, her boobs definitely grew and her jaw line was more defined.

She was perfect.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" Ally asked.

I turn towards the other girls. "Y-Yeah. I'm just shocked how gorgeous everyone is. How do you do it?" I nervously chuckled. I mentally praise myself for my great lie.

I should be an actress. I think I'd do amazing at this rate.

"Aww..Laur, you picked out a good one." Dinah winked at her.

"Shut up Dinah." Lauren walked towards me and intertwined my hand with hers. I flickered my eyes between our hands and Lauren. She gave me a worried look but disappeared as I squeezed her hand. "Let's go Y/N. These people are jealous." Lauren yelled behind her back as we left the room. I glanced back at Camila, who was already staring back with her lips pressed firm into a line and she stood stiff. I was probably imagining it but she had a jealous look on her face which lasted for a second.

Hours has past, Lauren had given me a tour of the stadium and the concert just began. She was sweet most of the time, helping me keep my mind off of Camila.


Shay and I stood on the side of the stage where the girls could only see us and we peeked through the curtain, to get a look at the audience.

Wow. There was so many people here for these girls.

During the performance, Camila never left eye contact with me as she sang. I don't know what it means or what she wants.

I'm not interested. I'm done with her.


Fifth Harmony just finished and whew man, they are sweaty. It was a pleasant scene. They did amazing except for the fact, Shay was next to me and kept screaming like it was no tomorrow.

I could go deaf.

The choreography for this concert was quite breath taking. I couldn't accept the fact that the girls had to dance all sexy and expect none of us to get frustrated or some shit.

Too much for me.

"How was that?" Lauren breathed out, tired from their performances. It came out husky and raspy that I felt my stomach do flips.


"I-It w-..." I stuttered. I mentally slap myself in the face.

"IT WAS GREAT. YOU GIRLS DID AMAZING!" Shay squealed in a high pitch voice. She did a dance and she looked like she was spazzing out.

Shut the fuck up Shay. You annoying shit.

Kidding. I love her.

"Thanks!" The girls said in harmony and smiled at her.

"Did you like the performance?" Huskiness filled my ears while my breath hitches. She comes closer to me where our hips were touching and she places her hand on my lower back, quite close to my ass.

I glance over at Lauren who was already looking at me. Her plump lips were parted and I felt an urge where I wanted nothing else to do but kiss her right there. Before I could do anything else, someone cleared their throat making me pull away from Lauren. She frowned at me and turned her head away.

I gaze towards the person who cleared their throat and it turns out it was Camila. What the hell?


She looked at me innocently before resuming her conversation with Dinah.

What was her problem?


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