Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys, so i made a Lauren/You story. Can you guys check that out please? Thanks for the votes and views guys. It means a lot :) !

Previously on Road to Recovery,

I gaze towards the person who cleared their throat and it turns out it was Camila. What the hell?


She looked at me innocently before resuming her conversation with Dinah.

What was her problem?


Camila POV
Y/N gives me her infamous what-the-fuck look and I shrug at her then continuing my conversation with Dinah.

I don't like the look in Y/N and Lauren's eyes when they look at each other. She's suppose to look at me that way. I can't let this happen!

"Mila, are you even listening?" I nodded absentmindedly which caused Dinah to give me an unconvinced look. Then she started to playfully slap me, making me whine.

"Dinah! I'm listening!" I shielded myself with my arms.

"You liar!" She continued slapping me.

"Alright, I'm going to go now! Thanks for everything girls. I had a great time! I hope we could hang out soon." Y/N and Shay waved goodbye and I mentally panicked.

I need to talk to her.

Before I could take action, Lauren fucking pulled Y/N into a hug and placed her hands on her back, way too close to her ass for my liking. I could feel my blood boiling and I clench my fists.

Y/N looks at me with a confused expression on her face and pulls away from Lauren. I watch Lauren whisper into Y/N's ear making her blush and look away.

What the hell?

I storm off out of the room wherever my feet could take me.

Y/N is mine.


Your POV
Camila storms out of the room for no reason whatsoever. Everyone starts to worry especially me. Did I do something wrong?

Dinah was about to chase her but I stop her. Shit. She gives me a look.

"Why?" I shrugged as I went to find the short Cuban. It took a good several minutes to find her, the time I could be using to get to my car but my stupid heart wants what it wants.


The Cuban was sitting at the end of the stage with her knees pulled to her chest. She must've heard me come in as Camila turned around. The Cuban looked taken aback.

Shit I would be too.

"What are you doing here?" It came out a bit harsh.

I didn't reply as I stood there awkwardly. I'm not sure how to talk to her. It's not like I haven't spoken to her in years. Sarcastic quotations go there.

I didn't know how I felt. One part of me was happy and another part of me was angry.

"Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" I blurted out.

That wasn't too forward at all.

She tried to speak as her lips kept closing and opening but no words came out.

It made me angry.

"Did you think of how I would've felt? You were my best friend Karla!" Camila visibly cringes at the name. "I needed you and you weren't there. You didn't answer my calls or texts and I blamed myself, thinking I did something wrong. It wasn't me though. It was you.. Did I do something for you to leave me like that? Why did I deserve it? Those were the thoughts running through my head all these years." I heavily breathed.

"I'm so sorry. I was busy an-" I cut her off, more pissed off than ever.

"You were busy? So you couldn't make time for me? I was your best friend Karla. Who am I to you? Do I even matter?" She broke me. She made me insecure about myself.

"Of course you do." Camila stood up, walked towards me and tried to hug me but I took a step back.

"Don't." I raised my hand, warning her.

"A call would've sufficed Karla." I growled.


"What? You what? You couldn't make time for me so you couldn't call me. Great. Good to know. I'm going to leave now. I'm so done with you." I scoffed.

Before I could leave, I stopped in my tracks as she started to cry.

"Y/N listen to me..." I turned towards her and looked past her so I wouldn't have to look her. If I did, I wouldn't walk out this room.

I would've stayed and held her. 

"Y/N please...Look at me! I can't tell you why. It would ruin everything between us." I give her a disbelief look.

"Everything is already ruined between us." Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. I desperately wiped them away but they kept flowing.

"Y/N...please stay. I need you." She pleaded in between sniffles.

"Where were you when I needed you?" I whimpered.

"I had to..It hurt too much." Suddenly, Camila dropped to her knees and I look at her in shock.

"What are y- I'm tired of your bullshit Karla." I muttered out through my heavy panting. With that being said, I was about to leave until those five words came out of Camila's mouth that left me in a state of shock and unexpected relief.

"I'm in love with you." She croaked out.

A/N: Ohhh snap. I was totally planning to make her confess later but naaahh. Don't forget to vote and comment guys! Also check out my new Lauren/You book.

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