Chapter 14

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A/N: I just wanna say thanks to SLOTHTATO for making my new cover. I love it. Enjoy!

"I can't wait to marry you."

A feeling of disappointment and devastation washes over me. Suddenly, I find myself leaving the bus with voices trailing behind me. I quickly made my way to my car and I peel out of the parking lot, speeding home. Once I get home, I go to my bedroom and crash onto the bed.

She's really doing it. She lied to me. I've never should've let Camila come back into my life. She'd only ruin it even more.

Fuck Camila.

I wish...

OKAY, I didn't mean it.

I glance at my phone, noticing I had several missed phone calls from Dinah. She can wait.

I could call someone who can make me forget about all of this. All of Camila. I began to call the one person that could take care all of my needs. It took a few rings until she answered. She cared for me.

"Hey babygirl," I could hear her smile through the phone.

I seductively purred, "Why don't you come over? Come give me a taste of your little show, you were telling me about."

"Of course. I'll be there soon."

"I'll text you the address. Key is under the mat." The line clicked, indicating the line ended. I text her the address and put my phone away.

Shit. I'm really doing this.

It took 20 minutes until she arrived and she had a trench coat on. Hm. I sat at the end of my bed, scanning my eyes over her body. Is it bad I want to be able to touch her?

"Are you ready?" She asked me. Her eyes were dark and filled with hunger, I couldn't help but feel aroused. I quickly nodded, as she eyed me while unbuttoning her trench coat. Once she finishes, I get up to take the trench coat off revealing her lingerie. The coat pools around her feet. She was wearing a black lace bra with matching panties.

I stare in awe, "Wow." She smirks under my gaze and pulls me towards the bed. Then she lays me down gently, while she hovers over me and I reach my hands over her back, slowly sliding down to her ass and giving it a nice squeeze. She unbuttoned my shorts, pulling them away from my legs and then tugging my shirt over my head. I was exposed as she was.

There's no going back.

I flip our positions so now I was hovering over her and straddling her. I pressed my hands onto hers over her head while they were against the mattress. I began to kiss down her neck, slowly dragging my lips down to the top of her breast. I sucked on the exposed flesh, eliciting a moan from her lips.

"I like the sound of that." I panted out as I continued exploring her body with my mouth. I brought my lips to hers and all I felt was lust and need. She immediately darted her tongue in my mouth, making me involuntarily moan. Our tongues began to explore each other's mouth. I pulled away so I could eye her breasts, I unclasped her bra revealing her porcelain breasts. "Holy fuck." I placed my hands on her breasts and began massaging it, making another angelic sound escape her lips. I moved myself between her thighs and kissed the inside of her thighs, inching closer to her center.

She groaned, "Stop teasing and fuck me already." I smirked as I leaned in close to her core and I could feel heat radiating. I plunged my tongue along with my fingers into her and her back arches off the bed and her hands grip my hair tightly. She moves her core closer to me, hoping to get deeper. I glance up at her face and her eyes were tight shut while her lips were parted.

It was a beautiful sight.

I continued eating her out until her walls were tight against my tongue and fingers. Her body shuddered and tensed for a little. I moved my fingers slowly in and out of her while she rode out her orgasm. I smiled against her center and planted a kiss on it. I leaned forward and my lips met with her's. She moaned as she tasted herself on my lips. As I pulled away, she started to pant heavily.

"Holy shit." She breathed out. "Your turn."

I shook my head and she gave me a confused look. "It was all about you baby." I laid my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms and legs around her, cuddling into her. "Plus you've been building me all of this sexual frustration. I had to take it out somehow."

"But on me?" I felt her smirk against my head.

"Why not Jauregui? You're sexy." She giggled.

Soon a comfortable silence surfaced between us too. I heard soft snores coming from her lips and it brought me to sleep.

I hope I won't regret it tomorrow morning.


I stir awake in bed alone, making a frown appear on my face. I was disappointed that she left. I shuffle my way out of bed and put on a pair of shorts and tank top. Then I make my way downstairs when I hear pots and pans being moved around. I freeze, slowly trying to see who was in the kitchen.

I live alone in this loft.

I glanced around the corner and I see Lauren struggling to make food evident with flour all over her face. I giggle quietly to myself before walking to the kitchen to greet her.

"You're suppose to be sleeping. I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed." She pouted, making me grin like an idiot. I wiped the flour off her face with a towel. The thought of Lauren Jauregui bringing me breakfast was something I wanted everyday.

But I wished it was Camila.

She must've noticed my change in demeanor as she eyed me carefully, trying to figure what's wrong. I lowered my head, facing the floor.

"Did I do something? Was this about last night?"

I immediately replied, shooting my head back up, "No! Of course not. I had an amazing night. It's just..."

"Camila." She finished for me. I give her a shocked look and nodded. "Y/N, look if you're not interested in a relationship right now, I get it. But I'm willing to do this friends with benefits until you figure out your feelings for her." I am really shocked at her bluntness. "I like you. Alot. So hopefully through this experience with you, you will get over Camila and think about being with me." Her eyes had a glint of hope. I don't know what to say.

"Lauren... I don't think this is a good idea. Don't you think just sleeping with me more, will increase your feelings for me?" I raise an eyebrow and I take a seat at the bar across the kitchen.

"Don't you think that sleeping with me to begin with was a bad idea?" She shot back.

She had a good point. It was a bad idea but I'm actually quite glad that I did it.

"Okay fine. Just let me think about it." I rub my head.

"No feelings attached." She strutted her way towards me.

I sighed, "Fine. Let's make rules."

"Their person should always be available for fucktime, no matter where or when." She stated bluntly, wrapping her arms around my neck whIle sitting on my lap.

I responded nodding, "Okay. Cum whenever I say you can." I smirked.

"Kinky shit is allowed." My breath hitched at the end. Is it bad I'm kinda excited for this?

"Okay...Is that all?" I gulped.

She leaned in bringing her lips to mine. I loved how our lips fit together perfectly. Lauren darted her tongue in my mouth, making me moan loudly. We had a heated make out session that lasted several minutes until she tore away, biting my lip.

"That's all." She said softly before taking another minute thinking, "We should do this. Make Camila jealous in the process. It won't kill anybody." All I did was nod.

It was a good idea.

Should I do it?

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