Chapter 21

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621-463-1084 : Hey babygirl, it's Katherine. When do I get to your hot face again?

I knew I hated her.

Camila's Pov
How dare this bitch just come waltzing back into Y/N's life? Well not literally. It's just really annoying.

Before I could do anything else on her phone, I heard footsteps approaching and I quickly place Y/N's phone back on the stand. Lauren stands in the doorway with a small smile on her face.

"Hey," She said. "How was the date?"

"It was perfect," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Y/N is perfect...." My cheeks feeling a little sore from smiling so much.

Lauren nodded, "It's a beautiful view."

This is kinda awkward.

But I noticed something.

I raised an eyebrow, "You've been to the waterfalls before?"

Lauren turns her gaze away from me, "Umm...Yeah. It was just a hang out with Y/N. No big deal."

"What did you two do?"

Lauren froze and her lips kept shutting and opening. Words couldn't escape her lips. Honestly, I don't even care. It's not like there's anything going on between them.

"Lo, you can tell me anything. It's all done with right? I shouldn't be worried about it." I reassured her.


I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to comprehend what she just said. "What?"

"We bo-" Lauren was cut off as Y/N's voice boomed throughout the room. How many interruptions have to occur today?

"I know when that hotline bling! That could only mean one thing." She sang, dancing around the room with just a towel wrapped around her body not noticing Lauren in the room. "Ever since I left the city, you. Got a reputation for yourself now!" She continued dancing with my brush in her hand. "Everybody knows and I feel left out. Girl you got me down, you got me stressed out." Y/N paused as her mouth dropped at the sight of Lauren laughing her ass off. "Umm."

I began laughing along with them, cursing my girlfriend of her dorkiness. She's such a babe.

"Put on some clothes." Lauren giggled before leaving me and Y/N alone in the room. I see Y/N blush and turn away to put on some clothes.

Hmm...I don't think so.

I pressed my body onto her back and lock my slender arms around her waist. I stepped on my tippy toes to kiss her exposed skin. She leaned into my touch and it encouraged me to go further. My tongue swirled around on the nape of her neck before kissing it very softly. I pulled away letting myself fall back onto the bed.

Y/N Pov

"Why'd you stop?" I huffed, clearly disappointed of not getting my sweet kisses from my favorite Cuban.

"I wanted to tell you a joke." Her face lighting up with a big smile. Seconds later she began to burst out laughing before even telling the joke. "Knock knock." She giggled, trying to stifle her laughter. I began laughing with her because she's so adorable.

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