Chapter 18

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After everyone found out that Camila had woke up, they were overfilled with joy and celebrated her awakening. It was good. Although her motor skills and physical movement weren't. She had to go to physical therapy for a few weeks before continuing her old life. Of course, I had to be there for moral support.

Camila and I started over, wanting to be friends again. To answer your question, nope! I did not take out Camila on a date...yet. I will. On the other hand, it took some time for Lauren to get over me and she eventually stopped ignoring me which was good since I really liked talking to Lauren but she was still a flirting mess. Although I could confide in her for anything. She was an amazing listener and friend.

Fifth Harmony continued their careers and resumed their performances. The rumours of Camila "leaving" have been denied and everyone was relieved of that.

Right now, I was in the car with Lauren on our way to go see the rest of the Fifth Harmony girls. They've been wanting to hang out with me for a while but I've been really busy with school. I tried to make time for them by texting them and facetiming them now and then. It's nice how everything was back to normal.

"Hey Y/N..." I hummed in response, still keeping my eyes on the road while driving. "Do you think in another life....we could be together?" I look at her surprised but quickly returning my gaze towards the road.

I could imagine it.

"Yeah, in another life I believe in it." I nodded to myself. "If I wasn't in love with Camila then things could work out between us. I know the last several months, I've been leading you on and I'm genuinely sorry about that. You really mean a lot to me Lauren." I glance over at her and she had a big smile etched on her face. Guessing she was satisfied with that answer.

"It's fine. I'm over it." She sighed out.

"I'm really sorry Lo. You're amazing and you're very beautiful. You deserve someone so much better than me. Plus you need someone who can handle your sexiness." I joked at the end, making her giggle.

"I'm sure I can name someone." She shot back.

"Please do." I challenged.


I smile, "I'm not sure about that." As the car came to a stop because of the red light, I let my eyes fall onto Lauren's face which was full of content. Her facial features were peaceful. As far as I can tell. "You're really beautiful Lo." I mumbled out to myself but she must've heard it with the evident smirk on her face. The light turned green and I stepped on the gas, driving for a few more miles until I pulled onto the driveway of their mansion.

"You're so perfect. Camila is really lucky to have you." She said sincerely, unbuckling her seatbelt.

I sighed, "Lo..."

"No, I know it sounds like I'm somewhat in love with you but I'm not okay? I'm just stating the obvious." She snaps but quickly gives me an apologetic look. The Cuban forces a smile before opening the car door and walking towards the mansion with me following behind her after I finish unbuckling of course.

Lauren dives her hand in her purse, shuffling around to look for the key. After she finds the key, she plunges it into the hole twisting it around until it was unlocked. Lauren opens the door, hearing Ed Sheeran's "One" play in the kitchen which must've been Camila.

Lauren walk towards the living room, while I went to go to see Camila. I miss her a lot. As I turned the corner of the kitchen, I see Camila swaying and singing along to "One" as she was making a sandwich.

Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you
And you know, everything changes but
We'll be strangers if we see this through
You could stay within these walls and bleed
Or just stay with me

I walk to Camila, standing behind her and I slip my arms around Camila's slim waist. She tensed up at the touch before relaxing, realizing it was me.

"Cause you are the only one" I sang into her ear. I placed soft kisses on her jaw leaving a trail to the nape of her neck. She repositioned herself so she was facing me and she had a big dreamy smile on her face.

"Hi." She giggled.

I smiled, "Hey Mila." Before I leant forward meeting her lips that I missed so much; she wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on the back of her thighs, indicating for her to wrap her legs around my waist. I placed her on the counter away from her sandwich. I didn't want to destroy it. The kiss lasted only for a second as Camila pulled away with a pout on her face.

"Take me out to dinner first." She stuck out her tongue.

I groaned, "Why?"

"Because if you want this," Camila gestured to her body. "It comes with a price."

"I don't mind paying with sex." I waggled my eyebrows.

Camila rolled her eyes before hitting my arm playfully. "I don't want loser! At least not yet." She smiles shyly. "You know what I mean!"

I chuckled at her, nodding. "Why don't we go out tomorrow if you're not busy then?" She agreed to the idea and we continued making out on the counter until one of us had to stop since Ally walked in, catching us. She threatened to shower us in holy water and take us to church.

Now...Camila's date tomorrow.

What should I do?

A/N: sorry for the long update! i had writers block and lots of homework. ily but youre having a date with camila!!! oooo? smut or nah afterwards??

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