Chapter 12

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"It hurts so much. I'm in so much pain. I want it to stop."

My eyes brimmed with tears so I quickly wiped it away. I'm so overwhelmed with these emotions jumbled up in my head.

Can't there be an alternate ending where Camila isn't with Austin? My heart literally feels like it's about to burst. It's crazy how I feel this way.

"I'm sorry Y/N." Dinah reached over, engulfing me in a hug.

"I just wish things were different." I mumbled against her shoulder.

Footsteps approach us and I pull away from Dinah to see the person coming in, revealing it to be Lauren. She gave me a soft smile before sitting next to me.

"Dinah, can I talk to Y/N in private?" Dinah nodded, getting ready to leave to her bunk while mouthing 'Text me'. I took Lauren outside into my car because that way, no one will interrupt or eavesdrop. Also it's 4 in the morning for god's sake.

"What did you want to talk about?" I locked my eyes with her green orbs. It was mesmerizing, getting lost in them.

She took a deep breath before replying back, "Camila. Do you like her? I know I saw you kiss her and I just want an explanation. What's going on between you two?"

"Yeah. Okay," I nodded. "So I hope you already know I was Camila's best friend years ago."

"You're the one she's in love with." She pressed her lips into a firm line, tearing her eyes away from mine. "Are you in love with her?" She whimpers.

"No." I quickly said, making her return her gaze towards me. Was I trying to convince her or myself? I don't know.

"Y/N...I like you. I know you somewhat feel for Camila but I just want you to give me a chance. I can make you feel so much more." She confesses, making me look at her in shock. She tries to read my expression, scanning her eyes all over my face.

I let out the breath, I didn't know I was holding in. Lauren really wants this and I don't know if I could give it to her. She deserves a chance. The only thing that's holding me back is Camila. I like Lauren. Maybe I should do it. Shit.

"Forget I said anything. I'm stupid for thinking that we could be something. I thought maybe I had a chance after all these weeks we spent together. I'll s-" I cut her off by crashing my lips against hers with my hands cupping her cheeks. The kiss starts slow, I drag the tip of my tongue across her lip. I then move hands so I can pull her onto my lap so she was straddling me and she melts into me without disconnecting our lips. I hold her and I move my hand, letting it slide down her neck, down her body, landing on her hips.

"I want you to be mine Lo." I breathed out as I pulled back. She gave me the biggest smile ever and it made my heart melt.

"I was so scared that you wouldn't say anything back." She admitted. I moved my other free hand and I caress her cheek. I lock my eyes with her green orbs and I get lost in them again.

This can work. Maybe. I feel kinda guilty though.

"Well I did." I leaned in revisiting her lips once again, exploring her mouth with every second I could get. We pull away breathless, panting against each other's mouth.

"Now will you please come inside and cuddle with me?" She tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I stole another kiss making her giggle before replying yes. We head inside with our hands interlocked and I see Camila on the couch waiting.

"Y/N...Oh." She says with disappointment, eyeing Lauren's and I 's intertwined hands. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Lauren and I make our way to the bunk being the gentlelady person I am, I let her go in first. She extends her arms out, "Come cuddle." Lauren says in a baby voice, making me giggle softly. I shuffle inside, now she settled onto my body where her face was in the crook of my neck and her body was wrapped around me.

This was nice.


I stirred awake as I felt kisses being pressed against my neck and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. The kisses became more sloppy and I felt some of my sweet spots being nipped. I peeked an eye open as Lauren continued invading my neck and I felt her hand journey to one of my breasts.

"Morning Lo," I rasped out making her smirk at me.

"Good morning baby." Her husky voice filling my ears.

Wait. Baby?

"What are you doing?"

She innocently smiles before replying, "I'm just thanking you."

"Well if this is thanking me, then I don't mind being in your company." I jokingly said, tracing shapes on her arm.

She gasps dramatically while feigning to be hurt, "I can't believe the only way you'll enjoy my presence is when I'm kissing you." 

"Better be slamming me with kisses."

She continues attacking my neck with her lips but pulls away as she hears voices outside of the bunk.

"Yo, you two better come out of there right now." Dinah says.

I groan, "Why? I like where I am right now." I feel Lauren smile against my neck, making me giggle.

"What are you two doing?!" Normani exclaimed, pulling the curtains of the bunk aside revealing Dinah, Normani and Ally with smirks on their face except Dinah.


"Sure looks like nothing."

"Go away." I tried pulling the curtains back but Normani resists.

"Come out lovebirds." Ally wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

I groaned, "Why? What are we doing?"

"Going out." Was all they said before leaving to wherever.

A/N: Sorry chapter was kinda crappy😁😂 vote and comment yeah? you got some lauren action ;)

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