Chapter 1

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Everyone was walking out of the meeting room laughing and smiling. Alfred, Matthew, Arthur and Francis were behind the others as we walked out.

"I have an idea." Kiku said.

"And what would that be?" Ludwig asked.

"How about we all go out together to celebrate our alliances?" Kiku replied.

"That sound fun." Ivan said.

"Let's do it!" Feli said waving his hands in the air.

"Okay but where?" Matthew asked.

Alfred got and idea "How about IHOP?"

"The pancake house place?" Arthur asked him.

Alfred nodded.

"Were going there." Matthew said dragging everyone by the arms and out the door.

"Well I guess were going to IHOP." Ludwig said following.

They all walked out of the building and into the bright sunshine. Some random nations were their from their meetings and stuff. When they saw them all walk out they stared. Most of the G8 smirked, this would be interesting. They could see their confusion as to why we weren't screaming at each other.

"Let's take my car." Ludwig said.

They follow him to his van and pile in.

"Alfred can you give us directions?" he asked.

"Sure. Alright..."

__________________________-*-_-*TIME SKIP*-_-*-______________________

When they pulled into the parking lot everyone jumped out of the van and ran to the doors. Alfred smiled at them. Matthew was one of them who had run to the door. That guy would marry pancakes if it was legal. When the last of the nations walked in, Ludwig was getting us a table for nine.

"Right this way, sirs." The man at the desk said.

We followed him to our table. Well, two table pushed into one, and sat down around the table. It was Ludwing, Feliciano, Kiku, Yao, Ivan, Alfred, Matthew, Francis then Arthur who sat on Ludwig's other side. We were talking and joking around as we looked over the menu. A minute later a waitress came over.

"Are you guys ready to order?" She asked.

"Ja, I'll have the Southwestern Club sandwich with the fruit mix, and some french vanilla coffee, please." Ludwig said. (Going in order of table seating)

"Ve~ I want the Funny Face Pancake, and chocolate milk." Alfred and Ludwig smiled at Feli's choice, it was on the kids menu.

"I will have Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup, please, with some french vanilla coffee"

"Ham and Egg melt with the hash browns, and can I have a water?" Yao asked, and the waitress nodded.

"Can I get the Belgian Waffle, and coffee please?"

"I will have the Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pancakes with an Iced Tea." Alfred says.

And next was Matthew, "I want the Raspberry White Chocolate Chip Pancakes and Coffee please."

"I would like the Strawberries and Cream Crepes, and Coffee Mademoiselle"

"And I would like the Original French Toast and coffee please." Arthur said handing her all the menus.

She smiled and headed back to the kitchen with our very large order.

"Hey Kiku?" Alfred asked smirking.


"What cars do the Japanese drive?" He asks.

"Ummmm, why?" He asks confused.

"They drive Hondas." Alfred says giggling.

He looked at Al for a minute before smiling too. Matt and Yao were laughing also.

"And Italians drive VEspas." (so sorry if this is offensive to anyone XD but I had too)

By this time everyone was laughing a little bit. They continued talking for a while about the most random things. Like anime, cartoons, tv shows, and other things.

"Artie when do I get more Doctor Whoooooo?" Alfred ask leaning on said man.

"Soon, Alfred, Soon." He said patting his head. (THIS FALL IS SERIES 9 CAN'T WAIT)

"Ugggg." Al groan.

"Ve~ our foods here." Feli announced.

Everyone looks up and sure enough, the waitress was walking towards us with two trays. She sets them down and picks one up and starts handing them out.

"Southwestern Club, The funny face pancake, Chicken noodle soup, Ham and Egg melt, Waffle, Chocolate pancakes, Raspberry White Chocolate Chip, you crepes, and your french toast." She said giving them to the peoples. And then our coffee and drinks.

"Enjoy your meal." She said smiling, walking away.

___________________-*-_-*TIME SKIP*-_-*-_______________________--

When they were done they got up, paid and walked out of the building and to Ludwig's car and hour and a half later. Once again they all piled in, and headed back to the meeting place so everyone can get their respective cars. When they got their, the other nations were gone. They all got out except Ludwig and Feliciano.

"Bye~" Feli said.

"See ya." Alfred says.

"I hope we can do something like this again, it was fun." Ivan said.

"Definitely, how about the next world meeting in a month?" Arthur suggested.

"That sounds good." Ludwig says.

"It's settled then."

Everyone said bye and walked to their cars. Mattie was walking with Alfred, Arthur with Francis, Yao with Kiku and Ivan.

Alfred and Matthew stopped at Al's car.

"I have to go to my country for a while, but I'll be over as soon as I can. Can you keep yourself taken care of?" He asked worriedly.

"I'll do my best." Alfred tells him.

He smiles. "That's all I ask for."

Matt headed to is own car and Al to his. He opens the door and slides in, putting the keys in the ignition. Al pulls out of the parking lot and heads home.


I DON'T OWN HETALIA OR IHOP OR THE CARS MENTIONED. And yes, I actually looked at a menu for their orders XD

I hope that you like the beginning to this sequel ^.^

I certainly liking the beginning~Says the awesome ediotor and friend Minimandy :D

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