Chapter 4

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Alfred pulled into his driveway around midnight. He didn't leave DC till late. Getting out of his car, he grabbed his suitcase and keys and walked to his house. Unlocking the front door, he dropped his bag and headed strait for his bedroom, wanting to sleep.  He got to his room and changed into his pajamas and collapsed on the bed, falling asleep instantly.


Alfred woke up to his phone going off. He looked at it and saw a text from Matt.

'My plane should land around 2 at gate 17. Don't forget to come and get me. -Maple Man'

Alfred laughed at his brothers signature. He looked at the clock, the time was 8:30. He better get up and have breakfast or his brother would have his head. Walking out of his room with a blanket around him, he went to the kitchen. He pulled out a bowl, the milk and some Reese's Puffs (Had to sing the rap thing to remember how to spell it XD) Eating his cereal he went to the living room and turned on the TV. Going to OnDemand he turned on Attack on Titan. 

He ended up watching like 10 episodes. And he sang with the theme song every time. At this time it was 1. Alfred jumped up and ran to the kitchen. Grabbing a banana he ran out to his car. Déjà vu hitting him. He did the exact thing a week ago. Driving down the road he headed to the airport.

Pulling in, he parked in the parking garage and ran to the airport. His brother would land in half and hour and he was NOT gonna be late, again. He got to gate 17 with 20 minutes to spare. Throwing away his banana peel he went to a Starbucks and got a frappuccino. Sipping on it he sat in a chair waiting for his brothers plane. 

15 minutes later people were streaming off the plane and into arms of family and friends. Alfred was looking for Matt but he couldn't see him.

Matt walked off the plane and saw his brother looking around. A smirk grew on his face and he went around and behind his brother. Walking up very quietly and slowly he sneaked up. Alfred was still looking around, not noticing his predicament. Matt was right behind Al and he grabbed Al's shoulders and said 'Boo' in his ear. Alfred shrieked, dropped his coffee and spun around to see Matt laughing on the floor. Alfred glared at him but ended up laughing too. Finally Matt stood up and hugged his brother.

"My coffee." Alfred whined.

"Come on lets go people are staring." he said. 

Together they walked out and to Alfred's car. Matt looked over his brother as they walked and talked. He looked small, but that was expected. It had been only a week after all, but it didn't look like he had eaten much. His skin was a little paler, and his hand were shaky. Not many people would have noticed this, but these two had been together since, forever.

"Alfred. Are you okay?" Matt asked, as they got in the car.

"Yeah, why?" Al asked.

"Your hands are shaking and your paler," Matt said bluntly.

Al sighed and started the car.

"Alfred, you promised." 

"I tried, work was meetings, paperwork, meetings and more paperwork. Sometimes I forgot to eat. I was swamped," Al said pulling onto the road.

"Your going to get better, I'm making sure of that. At least promise you didn't purge at all," Matt asked pleadingly.

"I didn't," Alfred said truthfully.

Matt looked at him and saw the honesty there and slumped in his seat with relief. It was a small start, but a start.

"Good. Want to call Francis and Arthur when we get home?" Matt asked.

"Sure, haven't talked to them in a few days," Alfred said.

The rest of the way home they listened to rock music and talked about things. Pulling into the driveway they got out, still arguing over what kind of pancake was better.

"Chocolate chip!" Alfred said, unlocking the door.

"Blueberry!" Matt said, walking in with his bags.

"Chocolate- " Al was cut off by his phone.

Matt smirked and took his things to his room.

Alfred sighed and picked up. 


"Bonjour Alfred," it was Francis.

"Oh, hey Francis. What's up?" Alfred said, taking his stuff up to his room.

"Nothing much, wanted to see how you were doing," He said.

"I'm good, Matt's here. His boss let him go early," Alfred said, "Me and Matt might Skype you and Arthur later" he looked at the time "Or tomorrow." 

"Alright. Tell Matt hello for me. I need to go. It's time to go to sleep. Au revoir."

"Bye," Alfred said hanging up

Matt walked into Al's  just as Alfred hung up.

"Who was it?" he asked.

"Francis," Alfred said.

"What did he want?" Matt asked.

"Just to know how I was doing. I told him that you were here and that we would Skype them Tomorrow," Al said.

They walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"It almost 5. What do you want for dinner?" Matt asked.

"How about pancakes?" Al smirked.

"I'm on it," Matt said, kicking him out of the kitchen.

Alfred went into the living room and turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels before he stopped on the History channel. Pawn Stars was on, he loved this show. It was interesting to see what people found in his land. Halfway through the episode Matt called from the kitchen.


Alfred turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen. And yes, there were pancakes. Eve-ry-where.

"H-How?" Al asked, looking around.

Matt smirked. "Magic."

"B-but. It h-has.... 25 MINUTES?! HOW?" Al asked again.

Matt just kept smirking and pointed to a chair. Al complied and sat in the chair. Matt placing a plate of 3 pancakes in front of him. Al eyed it cautiously. 

"Syrup?" Matt asked, already knowing the answer.

"No thanks." Al said, picking up his fork. 

Matt sighed and sat down with his stack of like 10 and drowned them in syrup. Al looked at it and inwardly shuddered. Just the thought of all that sugar was making his stomach hurt. Slowly, Alfred cut off a piece and put it in his mouth. The pancake was light and fluffy. He swallowed and waited to see if it would settle. When it did he took another bite. Matt smiled at him, digging into his own pancakes. 

By the time Alfred had finished his first pancake Matt was on seconds. He loved pancakes, and there were a lot of them. This time Matt matched his brother, eating with him. 

In the end Alfred managed two of his pancakes and a bit of the third. 

"Your doing great Al," Matt said giving him a hug.

Alfred hugged back, needing a hug. "Come on time for bed."

Al nodded and walked up the stairs to his bedroom, Matthew next door. They laid down, falling into dreamless sleep.



Ew starbucks~Lovely editor Minimandy

XD STARBUCKS IS AMAZING!!!!!- fullofcrazyness

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