Chapter 39

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Listening to Panic! at the Disco as I write this. Pretty. Odd. is a good album, but I think I like Vices and Virtues more XD.


Matthew awoke the next morning with a groan. He pushed the blankets off on his chest and rubbed his eyes tiredly. After a minutes he sat up and looked around. He jumped when he saw Alfred sleeping in a chair next to his bed. Alfred was slumped over in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. Matthew reached over and gently shook his shoulder.

"Al? Al wake up." Matt whispered.

Al jumped awake and fell out of the chair.

"Wha?" he said.

He looked around and his face split into a smile when he saw Matthew awake and laughing at him.

"You okay?" Matthew asked.

Alfred nodded and jumped up, pulling Matthew into a hug. "I'm so glad that you're alright."

Matthew returned the hug, but was confused. "What do you mean?"

Alfred pulled away and looked at him. "Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Matthew shook his head, trying to remember what happened. "The last thing I remember was Ivan beating me at the hockey game."

Alfred looked down.

"Al? What happened?"

Alfred let out a shuddery sigh, "You and Ivan. You went to shake hands and then..... then the ice cr-crack. An-And you two f-fell i-in."

Matthew pulled Alfred into a tight hug. "Well I'm okay now. Don't worry."

They sat there and hugged for a few more minutes before the were interrupted by Matt's growling stomach. They giggled and got up.

"Breakfast?" Alfred asked.


They walked out of the room and made their way downstairs. When they walked into the kitchen they were greeted by everyone else.

"Matthew!" Arthur yelled.

Arthur, Francis and Alistor came over and pulled Matt into a hug. Matthew laughed and hugged back.

"Don't ever do that again. You hear me?" Francis said.

"Crystal clear." Matthew said.

"Pancakes!" Feliciano and Ravis announced.

Everyone grabbed some food and went to the living room and started eating their food.

"How are you feeling Matthew?" Tino asked.

"I feel fine." Matthew said, drowning his pancakes in syrup.

"Is Ivan and Yao up?" Eduard asked.

"I'll go check." Kiku said.

Kiku left the living room and went to retrieve the other two that were probably still sleeping.

Ten minutes later the three came down.

"Hey." Antonio started.

"What?" Gilbert asked.

"Why don't we open presents? As we didn't yesterday." Antonio proposed.

"That's a great idea." Tino agreed.

There were murmurs of agreement around the room and Ludwig went and got all the presents with the help of Berwald and Matthias. They came back with about one hundred presents.

"PRESENTS!!!" Gilbert yelled.

For the next hour they all laughed and shared presents and stories and had a grand ol' time. Around nine (nine in the afternoon ^-^) everyone started saying goodbye and headed home with their new gifts.

Arthur, Francis, Matthew, Alfred and Alistor headed out of the house and to the airport to catch their flight back to the UK.

"That was fun." Matthew said.

"Yeah, it was." Alistor said.

"Come on, we're gonna miss our plane if we don't hurry up." Arthur said, carrying his new TARDIS pillow.

They all entered the airport and found their plane pretty easily and waited to board. Twenty minutes later the passengers were sleepily climbing on the plane.

They found their seats and settled in for their two hour flight. Alfred curled up in his new Sherlock blanket, Matthew had on a panda sleeping mask, Arthur was hugging his TARDIS, Alistor just flopped into the chair and slept as is, and Francis leaned his head against the side of the plane. They were all asleep by the time they took off into the night sky. 

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