Chapter 9

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Arthur woke up the next morning to a silent house. He got out of bed and got dressed. When we walked out of the room he shut the door so Francis could sleep quietly. He walked down the hall and opened the door to the room where Alfred was sleeping. Peaking in he saw Alfred spread-eagle on the bed, covers tangled in his legs. Smiling he softly closed the door and went next door, Matt's room. Once again he opened the door and peaked in. Matthew was backwards on the bed, his head where is feet were supposed to be and his feet on the pillow. Blankets were strewn everywhere, on the floor, tangled up with Matt. Arthur pulled out his phone and took a picture of it. Shutting the door, he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Tea." he muttered.

He walked around the kitchen getting the items he needed. A mug, his tea leaves (Earl Gray of course), tea pot, and a spoon. He put the water in the pot and set it to boil on the stove top. Sitting at the table, he waited for the water to boil. He put his head on the table and waited to the tell-tail whistle. 


Arthur jumped at the whistle. He stood up and took it off the stove and poured the water into the mug with the tea in the bottom. He put the pot back on the stove but not on the hot burner. Back at the table, he stirred his cup and put a bit of milk in it. Taking a sip he sighed contentedly. 

"Good morning Arthur."

Arthur looked up to see Francis standing in the door way.

"Morning Francis."

"What do you want for breakfast?" Francis asked.

"How about waffles?" Arthur suggested.


Francis got out all the ingredients and started the waffles. Arthur sat at the table and watched. 

"Could you go get the boys?" Francis asked.

"Sure." Arthur said getting up.

He walked up the stairs and to the boys's rooms. He went to Matthew's first. Opening the door he walked in. This time Matthew was half off the bed, head hanging over the edge, arms hanging below him. Arthur put a hand over his mouth to cover his laughing. Again, pulling out his phone he took a picture and then he sent it to Francis' phone. He walked over to the bed. He grabbed Matt's shoulder and shook him. 

Matthew was at a pool doing dives when he felt someone shaking him. Blearily, he opened his eyes. He tried to sit up but only succeeded in falling off the bed. He landed on the floor with a thump.

"Everything alright up there?" Francis called up a second later.

"Yes." Arthur called back. 

Matthew sat up with a groan, rubbing his head.

"You alright lad?" Arthur asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, I think so." He said.

"Good, well go downstairs while I wake up your brother." Arthur said.

Matthew nodded and walked out of the room, bumping into the wall first. Arthur laughed and walked out after him and over the Alfred's room. He walked in and looked at the bed. First he could't see anything, then he realized that Alfred had fallen off the bed and was now occupying the floor, with a blanket underneath him.  Arthur walked over and nudged him with his toe. Alfred whined and turned away, and unfortunately off the blanket and onto the cold ground. His eyes shot open and he jumped up and landed on the bed. 

"COLD!!!!" He yelled. 

Arthur was laughing. Alfred glared at him.

"Not funny." he said.

"No your right, it's very funny." Arthur shot back.

Alfred looked at him then jumped off the bed. Arthur's eyes widened and he took off. 

Alfred ran across the room and out the door, right behind Arthur.

"Get back here!" he screamed.


And the chase began. 

Matthew and Francis were in the kitchen when they heard the commotion. Matthew started laughing. 

"Alfred is not a morning person."

Francis nodded, that much was apparent. Matthew got up and started making coffee, which Alfred would need as soon as he sat down.

The thuds of running feet were getting closer and closer. Francis peaked his head out the doorway to see a frightened Arthur barreling down the stairs with a tired and upset Alfred chasing him. Pulling his head back in he let Arthur through, who hid behind Matt. Alfred ran in. 

"Alfred." Matthew said holding out the coffee.

Al looked at it and then took it and sat down. Arthur stared at the cup with awe.

"It that really all it takes?" he asks.

Matthew nods, sitting down.

"Waffles." Francis announces putting plates on the table. 

Matthew and Arthur took a waffle and started eating, well Matthew drowned his in syrup first. Francis grabbed his coffee and sat down. Alfred had laid his head on the table, hand still wrapped around the coffee mug. After a minute Matthew noticed this.

"Alfred?" He asked. 

Arthur and Francis looked up. Alfred didn't move at the call of his name.

"Al? Lad?" Arthur tried poking his shoulder. 

Nothing still.

"Hold on." Francis said.

He got up and walked around to where Alfred was sitting and bent down, looking under the table. Alfred's eyes were closed and he could hear his light breathing. Chuckling he came back up.

"He's fallen asleep." he announced. 

Arthur groaned and took a sip of his slightly cool tea. Matthew laughed and smacked Al in the back.

Alfred shot up.


Francis put a waffle in front of him. Alfred looked at in and picked up his fork. He was so tired that he was doing everything automatically. He really wasn't aware that there was some syrup on it either. Matthew just watched smiling slightly. After they all finished, Francis took all their plates and put them into the sink. Alfred had laid back on the table and they could hear snoring. Matthew sighed and picked him up taking him to the couch. He sat down and pulled Al's head into his lap. Eventually, he felt the effects of jet lag and sleep dragged him down too. 

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