Chapter 36

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Two days later found the five of them entering Ludwig's house for the Christmas party.

"Hey guys," Feli greeted, "I'm so glad you could come."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Matthew said.

They all took their present piles and put them under the very large Christmas tree in the living room.

"ALFRED!!!" A voice yelled.

Alfred whipped around and smiled, "MATTHIAS!!!"

The two hugged each other for a moment and grinned.

"It's been a while ven*." Matthias said.

"Yes it has, and how about we go find Gilbert?" Alfred suggested.


The two went running to find their third member of their trio.

"Hola amigo." 

Francis turned around and saw Antonio standing behind him.

"Bonjour, Antonio. How have you been?" Francis asked.

"I've been great, Lovino is finally opening up to me." Antonio said, smiling widely.

"Shut up you bastard." Lovino said, walking up behind them.

"How about we go find Gilbert before the other two and cause some Christmas pranking?" Antonio offered.

"Lets do it." Francis said, glad to be acting like a child for a while.

This left Arthur, Matthew and Alistor to roam around the party and to talk to others they haven't seen in a while.

"Hello Arthur." Lukas said, walking up to said man.

"Hello Lukas." Arthur said, greeting his long time friend.

Lukas looked him over and nodded. "We have much to talk about. It's been a while."

Arthur nodded, "Yes it has. How about we go somewhere else and we can talk."

Lukas nodded and lead the way to somewhere more private.

"I'm going to go and find Ivan and see if he wants to play hockey." Matthew said.

"I'll join you. I want to see who will win this year." Alistor said.

"It's going to be me." Matthew said with great confidence.

The two walked out of the room just as Alfred and Matthias walked in.

"There he is!" Matthias whispered, pointing to Gilbert, who walk talking to Roderich and Elizabeta.

"Go away. You are very annoying." Came Roderich's posh voice.

"Kesesese nope." Gilber laughed as he continued to poke the man's cheek.

Alfred laughed a bit, "Want to scare him?"

"Hell. Yes." Matthias said.

They started to sneak over when Elizabeta saw them. Alfred made a motion for her to stay quiet and she grinned and did so. Quietly, the stood right behind Gilbert. 

'One... Two.... Three!' Matthias mouthed.

"RAWWWWRRRR!!" The two screamed.

"ARRRRRGGGG!" Gilbert shrieked and fell off his chair and onto the floor.

The whole room busted out laughed as Gilbert panted on the floor.

"Gib mir nur einen Herzinfarkt , warum Sie nicht tun.**" He  muttered, heaving himself up.

"That was amazing!" Alfred said between laughs.

"Yeah yeah laugh at my pain." Gilbert said, smiling a bit himself.

"I am, and I will continue to do so." Matthias said.

"Keep down the noise, no more screaming." Ludwig said from the other side of the room.

"NO PROBLEM WEST!!!" Gilbert screamed. 

Ludwig groaned and turned back to his conversation with Kiku and Yao.

"Pranking time?" Gilbert asked.

"Yup." Alfred smiled. 

"NOOOOO!" they heard a voice shout.

They turned around to see Francis and Antonio coming into the room.

"They got there first." Antonio groaned.

"Yes we did." Matthias said, "And if you want him, You have to beat us in a prank war."

"You're on." Francis said.

"It ends at midnight." Alfred added.

"Let's do this." Gilbert said.

"Oh dear, this is going to end badly." a slightly worried Tino said.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine." Berwald told him, "I'll protect m'wife."

Tino blushed and leaned into Berwald.

Everyone watched the five exit the room. Outside there was cheering. 

"Lets see what's going on." Emil suggested.

Everyone went outside to see Matthew and Ivan skate onto a frozen lake, hockey gear on and ready to play.


Arthur, Francis, Alfred, Alistor, Gilbert, Antonio, Feliciano, Kiku, Lovino and Elizabeta went to the right while Ludwig, Yao, Berwald, Matthias, Lukas, Emil, Tino, Roderich, Eduard, Raivis, and Toris went to the left.

"LET THE GAME BEGIN!" Elizabeta called out.



*Friend in Danish

**Just give me a heart attack why don't you. in German

sorry it's short today, I hope you enjoyed this part ^-^

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