Chapter 22

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First off I apologize for posting this so late. I have been watching Dan and Phil all day long, helping my dad clean out the garage as my grandparents are coming to visit. And doing random stuff. 

Soooo here's the next chapter.


 The five spent the next few days touring around Chicago. They went to Lincoln Park and the Lincoln Park Zoo. Matthew enjoyed the polar bear habitat. Alfred loved the Bald Eagle in the Regenstein Birds of Prey Exhibit (cough cough FREEDOM!! cough cough) . Arthur and Francis enjoyed the Small Mammal-Reptile house, and Gilbert liked the Pritzker Family Children's Zoo and the Wood ducks, especially the baby ones. After their tour of the zoo they went to the little shop and got little animal plushies and shirts. 

By the time they were ready to fly back to London, they all had at least two new t-shirts and/or sweatshirts, some kind of plushie, and a lot of photos. 

"Come on! We have to leave now or we're going to miss our flight!" Arthur yelled at the others.

"Calm down Iggy, take off isn't till 3:30." Alfred said, dragging his suitcase to the hotel room door. 

"And it's 2:24." Francis said.

"We have enough time." Matthew said.

Arthur just groaned and walked out of the hotel room and to the elevator. They all packed themselves in with their suitcases and went to the main lobby. Francis checked them out while Arthur took the others to the rental car. They put their bags in the trunk and waited for Francis. A minute later he came out and got in the car.

"Who's ready for a 5 1/2 hour flight~" he said in a sing-song voice. 

Gilbert, Matthew and Alfred groaned.  

Arthur laughed as they pulled out of the parking lot at 2:31. The whole way to the airport, Gilbert and Alfred were belting out 'What does the Fox Say' and 'White and Nerdy'. (I freaking love that song personally) Matthew, Arthur, and Francis were laughing at their terrible singing.

Finally, twenty minutes later they pulled into the airport, parked the car in the rental car return area, dropped their bags off at the desk and made their way to security. 

"I hate security." Gilbert complained.

"Me too bro, me too." Alfred said.

They finally got through security fifteen minutes before takeoff. They started announcing the boarding order.

"Could passengers with seat numbers 1-20 please board flight 702 at this moment please." the PA person said.

"Come one that's us." Francis said.

They made their way to the gate and boarded the plane. When they got into the plane, they went to their seats and learned that they took up the whole 5th row. 

"At least no creepy person will sit by me." Matthew said shuddering.

Gilbert and Alfred looked at him, as Francis and Arthur were already sitting down and didn't hear him.

"Has that happened before?" Gilbert asked.

Matthew slowly turned his head and looked at him with the 'Look'. 

"It shall never be spoken of." Matthew said, seriously.

"Awww why not." Alfred whined, sitting down in his chair. 

Matt looked at him now and repeated. "It shall never be spoken of."

Alfred giggled and said, "Whatever you say."

They all sat down and waited for takeoff. At 3:32, the pilot came over and told everyone to pay attention to the flight attendants for the safety procedures. After that was over, they were ready to get into the air. They started down the runway, and gradually got faster. 

Gilbert was looking strait ahead, eyes wide. Matthew was giggling, and Alfred was doing both. The three really didn't like take offs. Once they were in the sky though everything was fine. Suddenly the plane jerked up and they started to rise. Matthew's eyes were closed and he was humming under his breath. Alfred was clenching his fists, trying to ignore it. Gilbert was the worse of the three. He was humming but it wasn't working. Then the plane tilted higher. Gilbert's eyes widened and his hand shot out and grabbed Alfred's. Alfred looked at him but said nothing and squeezed it. Eventually, they evened out and the three calmed down. Gilbert blushed and looked at Alfred and let go of his hand.

"Sorry... for you know...." he stuttered.

"Nah, it's fine. We all get scared." Alfred replied back smiling slightly.

What Alfred didn't know about Gilbert, and what Gilbert didn't know about Alfred, was that they both wished they hadn't let go. But they didn't know if the other liked them back.

They looked away from each other and did their own thing to pass time. 

Matthew was watching this happen with a knowing smirk. Oh how he wanted to set those two up on a date. Matthew pulled out his headphones and put them in his phone. Putting them on he turned on Fall Out Boy and leaned back in the chair, preparing to sleep the flight.

_____________________LE MAGICAL TIME SKIP OF LIONS________________________________

About six hours later, they landed. Alfred and Gilbert practically ran off the plane and hugged the ground. Arthur chuckled and woke up a sleeping Matthew while Francis grabbed their carry-on bags from the overhead compartments. Matthew awoke with a groggy 'was'goin'on?' Arthur helped him up and they got off the plane. 

Alfred and Gilbert were standing at the gate waiting for them.

"Geez what took you so long?" Alfred asked.

"Kesesese. you all move like old men." Gilbert snickered.

"Mon ami! I am NOT old!" Francis exclaimed.

"Sure you aren't Papa." Matthew said, waking up a bit.

"Not you too Mathieu." Francis cried.

Matt just smirked.

"Come on you twats, let's go home." Arthur said.

They followed him to the baggage claim where they got their bags and headed for the front doors. Outside they hailed a taxi and Arthur told the driver his address. 15 minutes later they arrived at his house.

Arthur smiled. "Home Sweet Home."

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