Chapter 8

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Arthur and Francis were driving to the airport around 6:20-ish.

"Hurry up frog or we'll be late." Arthur said.

"Don't rush me." Francis said.

Arthur 'humph'ed'. If they didn't hurry up they'd be late. It took about 20 minutes to get to the airport.

"I can't wait to see my boys." Francis said.

"I know the feeling. I do hope they're alright." Arthur said.

"I do to." Francis agrees.

They were both worried about the two. They knew Matthew was fine for the most part, other than not being noticed, but everyone promised to work on that. Alfred though, he was a hot mess right now. ED's and probably minor depression was not a good mix. Well, either of them alone wasn't good either anyway. Francis was worried for his whole family. Alfred, Arthur and Matthew. He didn't want anyone to get worse then they already were. He didn't want his family to hurt.

"Alright, lets go see them." Francis said, pulling into the parking garage.

Arthur and Francis parked the car and got out heading to the airport entrance. Walking in they looked around. Arthur pulled out his phone to look at the time. 6:53.

"They should be here any minute." He said.

Francis nodded. They walked to where the luggage claim was for the flight the boys were on. Arthur sent Alfred a  text telling him where they were at. They waited 10 minutes before something happened.

Alfred and Matthew walked of the plane. Turning his phone off airplane mode, Alfred looked at it.

'Text from Arthur'

Alfred opened it.

'We're at the baggage claim for your flight.'

"They're at the baggage claim." He told Matt.

Matthew nodded and they made their way to it. They looked around a minute before they saw them. Alfred and Matthew looked at each other and grinned. Being quiet, which was pretty easy in a noise airport, they snuck (It's telling me this isn't a word LIES!!!!!) up behind them. Alfred behind Arthur and Matthew behind Francis.

"1......2......3!" Alfred mouthed.

They grabbed their shoulders and screamed a bit.

Arthur and Francis weren't expecting their surprise greeting. Arthur screamed and jumped, spinning around. Francis shrieked and over-dramatized the whole thing. When Arthur saw who it was he hunched over and grabbed his chest.

"You....Bloddy..... gits..... Almost.....gave me.....A heart attack!" He said.

"Why Matthew? Why did you do that to your papa?" Francis asked from the floor.

Alfred and Matthew couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer. Even the people around them were laughing a bit at the scene. Finally, the boys stopped laughing and hugged them. Arthur sighed and hugged back. Francis hugged back instantly. After a few seconds they pulled away.

"Come on lets get your bags." Francis said.

Alfred and Matthew nodded and went to find their suitcases. Eventually, an American flag suitcase and a Canadian flag case came rolling out. Alfred and Matthew went to get them, respectively. Walking back they started on their way out of the airport.

"Come on, the jet lag will hit you soon." Arthur said.

They got to the car and threw their stuff in the trunk. Alfred and Matthew got into the back and Arthur and Francis got into the front. Arthur driving this time. Pulling out into the road, they started the drive home.

"So, how was the flight?" Francis asked.

"Boring." Al and Matt said in unison.

Arthur and Francis laughed a bit at that.

"Matt put my arm to sleep within that first hour." Alfred said.

"Well I was tired and I wanted to sleep." Matthew defended.

"How long did you sleep?" Arthur asked.

"Ummm I don't know. Al?" Matt said.

"About 3 1/2 - 4 hours." Alfred said.

"Tired then." Francis said.

"He slept through take off. I don't know how he does it." Alfred says.

"Magic." Matt smirks.

Alfred groans, "That's your answer to everything."

"We're here." Arthur announces pulling into the drive way.

They parked and got out of the car. Alfred and Matthew got their bags and they made their way into the house. Walking in, Arthur showed them to their rooms. They put their stuff down and got ready for the night. Showers, brushing teeth, things like that. When they were all done, Francis called form the kitchen.


Alfred and Matthew walked into the kitchen to be greeted with the smell of soup.

"Sit." Francis said, putting bowls on the table.

Alfred and Matthew sat down and at their dinner. Francis watched carefully and made sure that they ate. Matt finished first and asked for more. Francis gladly gave it to him.  A while later Alfred managed to finish his. Knowing that he probably couldn't stomach any more, Francis took the bowl and put it in the sink, washing it and setting it to dry, along with the spoon. Soon after Matthew finished his and Francis did the same with his bowl.

"I'm sleepy." Alfred said rubbing his eyes.

Matthew and Francis grinned at the cuteness.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Arthur asks from somewhere in the house.

"In the kitchen!" Francis replies.

Arthur walks into the kitchen and looks at the scene. Francis and Matthew smiling and Alfred rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Come on lad, time for bed." Arthur says.

Alfred stands up and walks out of the kitchen with Arthur at his side.

"I guess I should go to bed too." Matthew says standing up.

Francis nods and lets him go. He turns around and cleans up the kitchen. When he finished he went to his and Arthur's shared room and gets dressed. Slipping into bed, he falls asleep.

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