Chapter 21

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When they got back to their hotel, Arthur immediately collapsed on a bed and fell asleep, not even changing. 

"Silly Arthur." Francis smiled.

He walked over and pulled off Arthur's shoes and trench coat before covering him with the comforter. Quickly, Francis leaned down and kissed Arthur's forehead. 

"Sweet dreams." he turned to the other three. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking a shower and going to bed."

"Can we go to the pool again?" Matthew asked.

"Sure." Francis said.

"A POOL!!!" Gilbert yelled.

"Yeah, you can use my trunks." Francis offered.

"Thanks." Gilbert grabbed them out of Francis's outstretched hand and ran into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, the three were ready to go to the pool.

"Bye Francis, we'll be up in about an hour and a half." Alfred said.

"Night." Francis said.

The three made their way out of the room and down to the main floor where the pool was. Al and Matt couldn't wait to see Gilbert's reaction to the pool. When the reached some doors Gilbert spoke.

"Wait, those go outside."

"We know." Al said, smirking.

They opened the doors and led Gilbert to the pool, who squealed like a child when he saw it. It was about 50-60 feet long and went to 9ft deep. There was a mini waterfall in the middle that you could go behind and jump through. (based on a pool I went to on a vacation) 

"This. Is. AWESOME!" Gil shouted.

The other two laughed. Gilbert immediately ran for the waterfall, then turned back to Alfred for a moment.



The two ran over to the waterfall and climbed on top of it, even though they probably weren't supposed too.

"Careful up there." Matt warned.

"We'll be fine, we'll jump towards the deep end." Gilbert said.

Matthew sighed and sat down, watching the two idiots.

"1......2.......3!" Alfred counted off.

On three the two went sailing through the air and into about 7 1/2 foot water. A second later they came back up.

"That..." Alfred said.

"....Was.." Gilbert continued.

"AWESOME!" They screamed.

Matthew laughed "Don't do it again, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed too anyway."

"Fine, we won't Mattie." Alfred said. 

They all swam around the pool for a good hour, playing all kinds of games. Marco Polo, Tag, Categories, and who can hold their breath the longest. Eventually they got out and sat on the chairs on the deck.

"Do you know what happened to Ludwig and Feli? They're a lot closer now then they were before." Gilbert asked. "Matter of fact you four, the axis and the rest of the allies are a lot closer. What happened?"

Alfred and Matt smirked. "Well one day at a G8 meeting, where China just so happened to interrupt, a book showed up."

"It was from the Ancients. It was filled with statements and diary entries about us." Matt continued.

Alfred picked up the story, "We had to read them in order to get back to normal time. Some where happy and funny..."

"... And some were depressing and sad. It brought the 9 of us closer together." Matt finished.

Glibert stared at them for a moment, "So that's what happened that day. Every other country is wondering what happend, and that must be what that paper on the wall is. It's all of you guys."

"Yup." Alfred confirmed.

"Well, that's nice. There's not that much fighting anymore and we actually get stuff done now." Gil said.

"Yeah, it is a lot nicer." Matt said.

"We should be heading back to the room, the sun is setting." Alfred said.

Sure enough, the sky was turning orange and red and still blue in areas. They headed back to the room. When they got there, Matt quietly opened the door and let the other 2 in. 

"Awwww~" Alfred cooed.

"They're so cute." Gilbert said.

"What is?" Matt asked walking over, and saw it.

Francis and Arthur were cuddled up to each other sleeping. Francis had his arms wrapped around Arthur's waist and Arthur's head was on Francis's chest. The three smirked and brought out their phones and snapped photos.

"BLACKMAIL!" they whisper shouted.

One by one they got changed into their pajamas and said on the second bed in the room.

"I'm not tired." Gilbert said.

"Neither am I." the twins chorused. 

Gilbert sat for a moment, thinking. "O O O! Night time snacks?"

"Yeah!" Matt agreed.

Alfred looked hesitant before agreeing. Matt beamed at him.

"Lets go." Gil announced.

They made their way to the main lobby where there was a little snack store set up. Gilbert grabbed ice cream and a big bag of Doritos. Matt got ice cream and a granola bar. Alfred grabbed ramen noodles. They went to the desk and paid their money and made their way back to the hotel room. Again, softly opening the doors, they crept inside and starting munching on their snackles. 

Around 12:39 Alfred fell asleep. An hour later Matt drifted off. Glibert sat there and just watched the two. He knew something was up with Al. The way he was hesitant to agree to snacks and the way Mattie looked at him with pride when he agreed. Something wasn't right. And he wanted to find out what so he can help their little family.

After all,

He did have a little crush on Alfred.

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