Chapter 16

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"All right sweetie, it looks like you're good to go." The nurse said the next day after his checkup.

"Thank you." Alfred said, smiling.

"No problem sweetie it's my job." She smiled back.

"So he's ready to go?" Matt asked.

"Sure is."

Just then Arthur walks into the room, "Okay, I've signed the release papers. Your good to go."

The doctor walked in with a wheel chair. "Ready to go?"

"Absolutely." Alfred said, sitting down.

Arthur grabbed the handles, and Matt grabbed whatever they had brought to the hospital with them the night before.

"Remember, you have a checkup in one week." The doctor said.

Arthur nodded and the three of them headed out of the hospital. They went to the front entrance and out of the doors to the car that Francis had pulled up in. Matthew helped Alfred into the back seat and go in after him. Arthur took the wheel chair back into the hospital and then came back out and got into the passenger seat. Francis pulled away from the hospital and they made their way home.


15 minutes later Francis pulled into Arthur's driveway.

"HOME!!!!" Matt and Al screamed.

Arthur and Francis chuckled as they all got out.

"Can you boys keep yourselves occupied for the next hour or so?" Arthur asked.

"Yup." Alfred said flopping on the couch.

"Alright we'll be upstairs if you need us." Francis said, smiling.

"Bye." Matt said, him and Al watching the television.

"Let's go." Arthur said, smirking.

The two of them went up the stairs to write a very important email.

"What do you want to watch?" Al asked.

"Ummmm... how about Sherlock? I've heard a lot about it." Matt said.

"Sure why not. Now I might be able to understand parts of Tumblr." Alfred said.

"You and Tumblr, seriously. When's the wedding?" Matt ground, going to OnDemand.

"Shut up. It is a beautiful place." Alfred said.

"Shhhh it's starting." Matt said.

The two of them sat back and started watching. 5 minutes in Alfred talked.

"I like it already." He said.

"Me too." Matt said.

They both sat there giving all their attention to the television screen. They were so absorbed in it that they didn't notice Arthur and Francis come down the stairs.

Upstairs, Arthur shut his laptop.

"There we go. E-mail sent. I hope this works." He says.

"I think it will. Don't worry." Francis said.

"Lets go check on the boys. It's been a little while and I haven't heard anything from downstairs." Arthur said.

"Oh I'm sure their fine." Francis said as they walked down the stairs.

"BOYS!" Arthur called out.

They didn't get any response. They walked into the living room to see Al and Matt sitting on the couch, the TV playing some show.

"Boys?" Francis said.

Still they didn't respond.

"Are they asleep?" Arthur whispered.

Francis walked around the couch and shook his head.

Waving his hand in front of Matt's face he spoke, "Matt. Hey."

Matthew jerked, which caused Al to also, and looked up.

"What papa?" he asked.

Francis sighed, "You two wouldn't respond."

"Sorry, new show." Al says looking back at the TV.

The show was over. Sherlock and John were walking away leaving Mycroft.

"NEXT EPISODE!!!!" Matt and Al shouted.

"What are you watching?" Arthur asks.

"Sherlock." Al says, turning on the next episode.

"Well its almost dinner time what do you all want?" Francis asks.

"How about soup?" Arthur suggests.

"Sounds good." Matt agrees, not really paying attention.

Alfred slowly nods his head.

"It's settled then. Chicken noodle soup it is." Francis says walking to the kitchen.

"Can I join you two?" Arthur asks.


Arthur sits down just in time for the opening.

"This looks interesting." He says.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Matt and Al say, covering his mouth.

Arthur chuckles and nods and the boys remove their hands and they go back to watching the show.

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