Chapter 23

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Later that night, Arthur's brother, Alistor, Skyped them. 

ring ring

"I better go answer that." Arthur said, going to his study to answer the call.

He sat down at his desk and opened the laptop and answered the call.

"Oh, Hello Alistor." Arthur greeted.

"Hello little brother. Are you busy next week at all?" Alistor asked.

"No, I don't think so, why?" Arthur asked.

"That's good." Alistor smiled, "I was thinking of coming to London for a visit." 

Arthur tried to keep his slight panic hidden. "What day?"

"How about .... Thursday sound good?" Alistor asked.

"That sounds great!" Arthur said.

"Can't wait to see you. Well, I need to go. See you on Thursday." Alistor said.

"Bye, see you soon." Arthur said, hanging up.

As soon as the screen went black, Arthur slumped over and put his head in his hands, groaning. 

"Great, just great." he muttered.

"What's 'just great'?" Francis asked, opening the door.

Arthur looked up. "My brother is visiting next week."

"They what was with the negative tone? That is great." Francis asked confused.

Arthur sighed shakily, "I never told him, or any of my family at that, about my problems."

"Why not? They could have helped you." Franics said.

"I was scared," Arthur said, "I didn't want them to get mad at me for being weak."

Francis pulled the other man into a hug, "You're not weak Arthur."

"Yes I am. What strong person cuts themselves?" 

"A person who has been trying to stay strong for far too long, and cracked a little bit." Francis said.

"For almost 250 years?" Arthur said, burying his face in Francis's chest.

"Even that long. You fell down for a long time, but now you're building yourself up again. You are strong." Francis said, stroking Arthur's hair.

Arthur sighed and nodded, looking up. "Thanks."

Francis smiled, "Any time Angleterre."

They stood up and walked back into the kitchen where Al, Matt and Gilbert were still sitting. 

"Who was it?" Matt asked.

"Alistor, he's coming to visit." Francis said.

"Awesome!" Gilbert yelled.

Al and Matt cheered. "When?" Al asked.

"Thursday, five days." Arthur said.

"Can't wait." the twins smiled. 

"Well, do you guys wanna watch Supernatural?"Francis asked.

The three looked at each other. "YES!!"

They all ran to the living room where Supernatural was immediately turned on.

___________________________________-LE TIME SKIP-_______________________________

The four were at the airport at 11:30 in the morning to pick up Arthur's brother. Gilbert had to go back to Germany and help take care of a few things. They were looking around for the red-head.

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