Chapter 34

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"Come on! We have to gooooo." Matthew whined, pulling Arthur, Francis and Alistor out of the house.

"His flight doesn't land for another half hour." Arthur said.

"And it takes twenty minutes to get there. Now come ooooonnnnnn." Matt said.

Alistor laughed at the younger's antics. "Excited are we?"

Matthew looked at him. "Very, It's snowing, Christmas is in three days and Alfred is coming back."

Alistor raised his hands in defeat. "Alright, alright, let's go."

They four trudged through the snow and got into the car and started driving towards the airport.

Matthew kept bouncing in his seat the whole way there.

"Calm down lad, five more minutes." Arthur said.

"I can't help it." Matt sighed dramatically.

Alistor leaned over. "Want to prank Alie-boy?"

Matthew smirked. "yeeesssss. What are we doing?"

"Oh you know, just casually scare the crap out of him on video and use it as blackmail."

Matthew laughed and nodded his head.

"What are you two planning back there?" Francis asked wearily.

"Nothing." The blonde and the red-head said in unison.

Francis groaned.

"We're here!" Arthur announced.

Matthew jumped out of the car and started running towards the airport.

"STOP RUNNING CHILD!" Alistor yelled.


Arthur and Francis groaned. "They are children."

"Yes they are." Francis agreed.

"Slow pokes." Matthew smirked as the two got to the doors.

"Shut up. Come on, let's get your brother." Arthur said.

They walked through the airport and found the gate that Alfred would be getting off at.

"Camera ready?" Alistor asked.

"Yup." Matthew said.

Flight 174 now landing

"That's Al's!" Matt announced, turning on the camera.

They watched the stream of people exit the plane before they caught sight of the blonde.

"Hide!" Alistor told Arthur and Francis.

"Wha-" Arthur started before Matthew dragged him behind a vending machine.

"What is going on?" Francis asked.

"Blackmail." is all Matthew said.

They watched as Alistor quietly crept up behind Alfred and got ready to scare him. Matthew got confused when Alfred smirked. Quickly Alfred turned around and launched himself at Alistor.

"ARRRRGGG!" Came Alistor's 'manly' scream.

Arthur was practically on the floor from laughing so hard.

"That wasn't how it was supposed to go." Matt grumbled.

They walked over to the two.



They two brothers hugged as Alfred let go of Alistor.

"Bloody twat." Alistor muttered, "Come on, give me a proper hug."

Alfred laughed and did so.

"Artie!" he yelled as he let go of Alistor again.

"Come here." Arthur said, opening his arms.

Alfred hugged him tightly and Arthur hugged back. Eventually Francis got sick of it and claimed his own hug from Alfred.

"Alright lets get going." Arthur said.

They walked to baggage claim where Alfred grabbed his suitcase and then they proceeded to walk out of the airport and to the car.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Arthur asked.

"I want to explore London. Haven't done that in a while." Alfred said.

"I'll join you!" Matthew said.

"I was going to sleep." Francis said, "I'm tired."

"I'll join the boys, you can have your Doctor Who marathon leading up to the Christmas special." Alistor said.

"Well that's planned out." Arthur said.

They got to the house and everyone went inside for an early dinner so the boys could go exploring.

"Sandwiches?" Francis asked.

There was a chorus of 'yes's' and they feasted on sandwiches.

"Come on boys lets go explore." Alistor said, after they had finished their food.

They cheered and put on their shoes and ran out the door.

"Where to first?" Alistor asked.

"London eye?" Alfred asked.

"Sure, we're not to far, we can walk." Alistor said.

They started their walk towards the London eye, talking about anything. They spent the next few hours walking around the city before heading home. By this time it was almost 9pm.

"We should head home boys." Alistor says.

"Yeah." Al yawned. "I'm getting tired."

Alistor laughed and led them to the car, driving them home.

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