Chapter 12

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Note: they started Supernatural around  1:00 o'clock, just lettin' you know.


Six and a half hours later and 10 episodes, Arthur and Francis were officially fanboys for the Supernatural Fandom. They had just finished 1.10: Asylum when Matthew turned off the TV.

"WAIT!!!!" Arthur and Francis cried in unison.

"What!?" Matthew asked surprised.


"Because it's 7:38."  Matthew said, pointing to the clock.

Arthur and Francis looked to the clock and it in fact, was 7:38. 

"Wow time went by fast." Francis stated.

Matthew nodded. 

"Dinner anyone?" Arthur offered.

"Sure, how about something easy like sandwiches. It is kind of late." Francis said.

"Alright, come on A-" Matthew cut himself off with a small giggle.

Alfred was flopped over, his mouth hanging wide open, tiny snores emitting from his throat. He was out cold. Arthur and Francis looked over to see why Matt had stopped talking. When they saw Alfred they smiled.

"One of us should take him up to bed." Arthur said.

"I'll do it, you and Matt go on and make the sandwiches." Francis offered.

The two nodded and headed off to the kitchen. Francis turned to Alfred and put his arms under his knees and the other under his back. Francis picked him up, surprised at how light he was. He smiled sadly down at Alfred.

"We'll get you better Alfred, along with Arthur too." Francis said.

Slowly he walked up the stairs and to Alfred's room. He walked in and set him on the bed and pulled the covers up to his chin tucking him in.

"Goodnight Alfred." He said, kissing him lightly on the forehead.

He frowned a bit when he felt heat radiating off of him. He put his hand to Al's forehead. He was warm. He walked out of the room and to the bathroom and got the thermometer. Going back of Alfred, he gently shook him awake.

"Alfred, wake up. Alfred." he coaxed him awake.

Alfred came to with a small groan. He opened his eyes and Francis noticed they were glassy. 

"I need to take your temperature Alfred." He said.

Alfred nodded and opened his mouth for the thermometer. Francis gently put it in his mouth.

"Alright now close."

Alfred did as he was told, and they waited for the beep. A minute later that beep came. Francis took the thermometer and looked at it. It read 102.6. 

"Alright you can go back to sleep now." He told Alfred.

Al nodded and flopped back on the pillows, asleep instantly. 

Francis sighed and walked out of the room and went downstairs. When he got into the kitchen Arthur and Matt looked up.

"What took so long?" Arthur asked.

"Alfred has a fever." Francis announced.

Arthur cursed and Matt looked at him.

"It was probably from working practically nonstop for a week, and having a week immune system from .. well you know." Matt said.

"That would do it. To much stress, traveling and other things would make him sick." Arthur said.

"I hope he gets better soon." Matt said taking a bite of his sandwich. 

Francis sat down and pulled his plate over to him and started eating.

"Do you think it's just a cold?" He wondered.

"It should be, I really hope it isn't anything worse." Matthew said, worrying for his brother.

"He'll be fine Matthew." Arthur assured him.

The rest of dinner passed in comfortably silence. When they were done they all headed upstairs to get ready for bed. Around 9:00 all three were in bed and sleeping.

____________________________woooo the magical time skip___________________

Matthew was woken up to the sound of retching. He shot up and looked at his clock. 4:12 AM. He jumped out of bed and headed to the bath room.  The door was shut so he opened it. When he looked in he saw Alfred hunched over the toilet, vomiting up all that was in his stomach. Matthew rushed over and sat on the edge of the tub while he started rubbing circles on Al's back. A few minutes later Al finished and he sat back against Matthew's knees.

Matthew got a wash cloth and wet it, then started cleaning Al's face. When he was done, he coaxed Al into a standing position. When he grabbed Al's arm, he could feel the heat radiating off of him. Quickly he grabbed the thermometer and took his temperature. 103.5. Matt paled a bit and picked up Alfred and carried him back to his room then went to go get Francis.

He walked into Francis's and Arthur's room and quietly walked over to the bed. Gently he shook Francis awake.

"Francis wake up. Francis. Papa."

Francis groaned and blearily opened his eyes.

"Matthew? What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Al, he was throwing up and his fever is at 103.5." Matthew said.

Francis's eyes widened and he sat up, getting out of bed. When they left the room he started speaking.

"We need a bowl of cool water and some washcloths."

Matt nodded and headed off to get what was needed. Francis went to Al's room and went to the bedside, pulling the desk chair over with him. He put his hand on Al's head and immediately pulled away, he was burning up. Just then Matt came back with the supplies.

"Alright, wet a cloth and put them on his forehead." Francis said.

Matthew nodded and did so. 

"Will he be okay?" He asked worried.

"Don't worry, Matthew, he should be fine. Just a stomach bug.

Matthew nodded and sat down on the floor by Alfred's head. It looked like neither of them would be leaving tonight.

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